EMERGENCY. One ducking died, now another acts sick?

Chick food doesn't have enough niacin as ducklings need. You can add some as I'm sure you've read in the niacin deficiency threads. Not sure that is what is causing eye issue. Maybe respiratory?
I hope someone more knowledgeable sees the thread soon as I'm not much help in the medical emergency department. @Miss Lydia might be able to help.
Thank you! Yes I’m headed to pick up some nutritional yeast flakes until brewers yeast can come in the mail.
Once the vet clinic is open I’m going to call and see if they’ll see them today..🤞
I appreciate all your advice!
I wondered about a respiratory issue from the place I got them from. Unsure if all TSCs are like this but, their set up didn’t seem to be the best and their water bowl there was dirty, wet and crowded with bedding.
Just read a post where pine shavings might have been the cause of a duck's issue. Can you remove that and use puppy pee pads for the time being?
Absolutely. I’ll try whatever I need to at the time. I’ve read so many mixed things on bedding 😵‍💫
Update- there’s only one vet an hour away that will see them. They want a 200$ initial fee for “walk in”. If it was you guys would you just bite the bullet and take them or try puppy pads and the nutritional flakes first and see how that goes?
I just got back from the store and the ducking is in critical condition. Can’thold it’s head up and is twitchy. I hate this. What can I do?
Grit or food?
I'd treat for niacin deficiency, give niacin supplements or ground b complex tablets, you need something stronger than yeast right now
Ok. Anywhere I can buy that in stores? Could I just buy niacin tablets from the store and take the power out until I can order it?

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