Emergency please help!


5 Years
Feb 24, 2018
I found my indian runner drake lieing down the field away from the other ducks. His eyes seem to be rolling and he is off balance. I gave him some vitamin b but really dont understand. He getting fed a duck layer full of vitamins. Pleae help any advice will be much much appreciated! Thank You!
No blood and no wounds. Hes just really umbalanced. The vitamin b seems to have settled him abit. However i checked his weight and hes only 1.1kg, i heard they are supposed to be 1.6kg. Would he need to be wormed? My last drake died suddenly and i think it was due to worms.
Thank you for your response!
I don't know to much about ducks. But if your last drake died from worms you should worm him. If you have any other ducks you should check them to.
I gave him 2 drops of ivemec and did the same with the rest of the ducks. I just checked him there now and he seems to be settled so i guess ill just have to wait and see what the morning brings.
Thanks again for your help! ☺

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