Emergency Run Expansion


May 22, 2019
Hello y'all!

So a while back I had an accident while someone moved my chicken tractor for me and I lost 3 chickens. I'll be building a big coop for them to live in in the near future, but in the mean time I really need to give them more space than they've currently got.

My area doesn't really have predators during the day, so it doesn't have to be extremely tight. I can lock them up at night in the tractor. But I feel really guilty keeping them where they are now all day. I'd like to be able to let them out during the work day.

Ideally I'd like something I can hook up to the tractor or put around the tractor so they can still go in and access food and water. One option is getting the premier poultry fence and putting that up with a solar fence charger. That's a little pricey though. Anyone have any better suggestions?
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Pictures of your tractor might be helpful, seeing what might work to hook to it. A hoop coop might work for you and would be movable with the tractor, you could make more than one and hook together for more space. Using a cattle panel (about $20 depending on size) the bottom framing and whatever you close the end with would be additional expense. And could still be used later when you have a permanent coop for grow out , integration, broody pens, or isolation/quarantine/hospital pens. Just a thought.
Scroll down to cattle pen hoop coops.
A quick way is the poultry netting. It doesn't stop flying predators but it pretty much stops everything else. It does require maintenance, mainly keeping weeds and grass from growing up into it. You probably won't need to move the netting very often unless you have a lot of chickens.

For something fairly quick look up hoop coops. Another option is to get kennel fencing panels. Maybe check Craigslist for used ones.
Pictures of your tractor might be helpful, seeing what might work to hook to it. A hoop coop might work for you and would be movable with the tractor, you could make more than one and hook together for more space. Using a cattle panel (about $20 depending on size) the bottom framing and whatever you close the end with would be additional expense. And could still be used later when you have a permanent coop for grow out , integration, broody pens, or isolation/quarantine/hospital pens. Just a thought.
Scroll down to cattle pen hoop coops.

OH MY GOSH THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL. I hadn't thought about using those, and I really do want the ability to separate out breeding pairs later on in their lives. I'll put in a picture of my tractor when I get home for sure!
Here are some pics of the current tractor.
20190727_181712.jpg 20190727_183442.jpg

And my flock to follow!

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