EMERGENCY Smashed egg, day 19-20, chick chirping and struggling


5 Years
Sep 21, 2018
Clarkdale, Arizona
So I have a clutch of eggs under a broody hen and one got smashed. Much of the shell is gone, membrane exposed and torn in several places, but there is no bleeding or veining whatsoever that I can see. I have the chick in the incubator right now with high humidity. Chick is struggling and chirping, and the membrane appears to be drying up. I have never dealt with anything like this before. What should I do?
I’m not an expert, but I’d say that chick looks all set to hatch- it appears it has absorbed the yolk and that there are no active blood vessels. It almost looks like it struggled so much to get out it broke the shell apart? Maybe it was in an abnormal position and struggled to unzip normally?? Just a guess. If you don’t see bleeding I’d say it’s ok to carefully try to get it out the rest of the way. Just remember to stop if you see any blood.
I’m not an expert, but I’d say that chick looks all set to hatch- it appears it has absorbed the yolk and that there are no active blood vessels. It almost looks like it struggled so much to get out it broke the shell apart? Maybe it was in an abnormal position and struggled to unzip normally?? Just a guess. If you don’t see bleeding I’d say it’s ok to carefully try to get it out the rest of the way. Just remember to stop if you see any blood.
@chickenpolo said it lovely!

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