
Dec 28, 2019
I am worried about one of my hens, she is approximately a year old and a salmon faverolle. Today when I went in to inspect the coup it was dark out and I noticed the light reflect off of one of her eyes. Her entire pupil is white, a perfect circle but only in the light. Without it directly shining into it it looks completely normal. She seemed to be bothered by the light being pointed into her eye so I think she can see (I'll get to see more when i get home from work today). Also, I had picked her up to inspect her further and her crop was empty. Like I couldn't even find it, whereas all the other hens and roos had super full crops. I'm also quite certain that the roos have stopped mating with her and her and the other salmon were favorites prior. I dont know what's wrong with her or what to do. I'm going to separate her today, bring her inside (it's about 10f outside) I'm going to monitor her food and water intake, try and get some vitamins in her... everyone else in the coup seems fine. Weve had all of these chickens and ducks for a year or so with no issues and no new additions.. any ideas on what could be going on? Also, she hasnt been laying either. But only two out of 8 hens have.. it gets dark out at 4pm, theres not much daylight so I havent been paying too much attention to that.
Welcome to BYC. Could you get a picture of her eye today or later tonight when she is on the roost? She may have a cataract, but it could be something else going on. If she won’t readily eat her dry feed, try wetting some with warm water, scrambled chopped egg or tuna in small amounts. A poultry vitamin added to food or water, or 1/2 human vitamin B complex crushed or ground onto food daily would be good for her now. Poultry NutriDrench is good since you can give 2 ml orally or hide it in food, and her water can be left plain.

Normally I would suggest leaving her inside the coop with others in a dog crate, but if it is that cold, it might be good to keep her inside for a day anyway. If she starts eating and drinking well, then she may be better off to go back out with the others. If she is being kept from food, then she could have her own food in the crate in the coop, and roost with the others at night.
:welcomeSorry your hen is not feeling well. When you bring her in check her over really well,injuries can be very hard to find. Check poop also. Can you post some pic of her eye? If she won't eat you can try giving her wet feed,scrambled egg,tuna.

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