Emu Hatch Along! :D


8 Years
Jan 12, 2014
Just joined backyard chickens and wanted to share this exciting experience! Hatching six emu eggs this season, put six in my RCOM 20 MAX, 96.2 degrees, still fiddling with humidity as I weigh them, but for now its at 32%. Put them in the bater Dec. 27 and expecting a 55ish day incubation period. Turning 3x a day 180 degrees. Weighing them a few times a week: will post that soon.

Starting Weight: grams

A 640
B 628
C 535
D 562
E 537
F 627

BTW these are not shipped egg and are from 3 healthy free range unrelated pairs so I'm expecting a pretty great hatch rate
No way! Soooo Jealous. You need to get a hatch cam set up! My hubby wont let me hatch emu's. I don't have to keep them...I just want to hatch them. And maybe play with them for a week or two.
I will for sure be putting up hatching videos, with six eggs I am bound to catch a couple on tape! I won't be keeping these guys either :( I've wanted to hatch ratties forever but I don't have the space.
I am from Australia but live in Canada, Emu's can be very nasty. Good luck with the hatching, I look forward to video postings.
I know what you mean. I have seen the sweetest emus in petting zoos and then some with some seriously bad attitudes.
My emu just started laying, and as it is below freezing here at night I am bringing them inside and will incubate-first time. Only have 2 eggs so far but I turned on the cabinet bator to get it started to the right temp...

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