Ended - Coop Page Contest Early 2011 - Winners Chosen!

WOW. Really nice coops!! I am having trouble getting photos on the page (no problem in posts) as Firefox doesn't do copy and paste on the page
I am trying to fix that so hope I can enter this coop contest--anyone else have that problem??
OK, I figured out if I use a different browser (Internet Explorer works) I can add pictures--YEAH!!!!
You can look at my coop page but it is not quite done so I won't officially enter it until everything is on the page.
Get those digital cameras out and scan those plans you wrote on the back of your chick starter receipt. Throw them together with a great write up and you could be a winner! (okay... everyone on BYC is a winner... you'd just be a super coop contest winner!)

Here is my coop. You can see it at My Page. I did not have a digital camera when I was building it, so I do not have pics of that. It was only after I got one that I decided to do a page at BYC about my coop. There is a detailed description tho about it's construction at My Page. There are some home made drawings too. We call it the Taj McCluck, a part of Cluckmore House and Gardens.


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