Ended - Coop Page Contest Early 2011 - Winners Chosen!

Very nice, great pictures. Do the streamers deter hawks?

On your comment "We decided to raise chickens out of concern for our ability to feed ourselves in the case of a severe economic collapse (such as that experienced in Argentina in the year 2000)."

If there were an economic collapse we most likely could not afford chicken feed for our flocks.


While reading the 'Predators and Pests' segment of BYC, I read several accounts of people having success against hawks and owls doing things like I did with the streamers. Some used hanging CD's and hanging pie tins as well as criss-crossed polypropylene twine. Has to be something reflective for best results they all said.

Regards the part about not being able to buy feed our chickens post-collapse, if and when that day arrives we will all have bigger fish to fry than feeding our chooks. Nonetheless, they can free-range all year long in Tennessee with a few days exception. I will have the time and motivation to stay with them with a shotgun handy though until other things become even more important.


I had same problem.
What I ended up doing is I used Internet Explorer and opened 'My BYC Page'. Then I opened 'Uploads' and in lower R corner, 'My Uploads' I narrowed both windows down a bit and kept them to opposite sides of screen. Then I went to 'My BYC Page' and clicked on 'Edit' and scrolled to where I wanted the pic and clicked to put cursor there. Then I clicked in field of 'My Uploads' to bring that page to top and found the pic I wanted. Then I L clicked on it and held the click until the image popped open, expanded and in it's own window. Then I clicked on that image and dragged it out of that window to 'My BYC Page' and released it at the level of where I left the cursor there. It transferred that way every time.

I could never do cut/paste like in the tutorial. When I went to do the paste part, the word 'Paste' was in light gray letters and nothing would paste there.
Did not matter which browser I used.
I sort of stumbled onto the way that I did it. And.......same thing works for posting pics to the forum too. Although, I did find that 'cut/paste' worked well for pasting things in any forum post. It may not work the way I did it tho unless you have Windows 7. Not sure.
Could be that Windows XP would allow it to work as per the tutorial?

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Hi Gerry,
Several years ago I had a problem with crows eating tomatoes in our 12X50 garden. We had fencing on both long sides so I used 50# mono-filament fishing line zig-zaged back and forth the length of the garden. Crows could land on the fence and hop into the garden but there wasn't enough room between the lines for a crow to quickly fly out if disturbed, it ended tomato loses.
Good looking job. I am going to change my poop boards to either galvanized sheet metal or formica. Noticed you have the formica. You did a good job making it look like it was planned, as opposed to haphazard. It is the way it matches the existing structures. That is important to me too.

Hi Gerry,
Several years ago I had a problem with crows eating tomatoes in our 12X50 garden. We had fencing on both long sides so I used 50# mono-filament fishing line zig-zaged back and forth the length of the garden. Crows could land on the fence and hop into the garden but there wasn't enough room between the lines for a crow to quickly fly out if disturbed, it ended tomato loses.

I have crows here like flies at a picnic. Yet, I have yet to lose a single strawberry or tomato to one. And I have lots of both. Have heard of the fishing line thing before. Hanging strips of it is supposed to keep pesky crows from pecking widows and window casings like mine do.

Good looking job, Chickerdoodle. Love the ventilation.


Thanks Gerry! We also leave the pop door open 24/7. I was worried about drafts from the door in the winter and had a few plans if occurred but none so far--and we've had some windy days. I had hoped the 10 foot high arborvitae bushes near the coop would block the winter wind that would hit the pop door and by golly it's really working!
Your coop looks great

I see you used what looks like hardware wire on the run but I would not leave the pop door open 24/7. Possums and raccoons are in every neighborhood and they are very ingenious about eventually gaining access to our birds.

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