Ended - Coop Page Contest Early 2011 - Winners Chosen!

Here is my coop. I really enjoyed building it.

My page is currently a work in progress, I have to redraw some of the plans, most of our were drawn in the dust or scratched with a nail into a floor sill. Our coop dimensions were completely based on the scrap lumber that we were using. We are currently starting to build a 'human' house and have taken down several old barns that were slated to be torn down for the timbers and lumber. There was some lumber that simply wasn't of the quality needed for a 'home' or had toooo many nails like the 2 x 4's in the roof, so we used those 2 x 4's to stud up the walls and for the roof. All of our coop is made from scrap materials, using leftover tin from our horse barn, see my first page. Even the two aluminum doors and four windows were picked up during what I like to call "shoppin' days", the day that everyone in town cleans out their garage for the annual trash pickup. I believe I had to buy 6 sheets of 8' tin for the roof. Some paint, insulation, caulking and of course, we modernized our coop with electricity.


The outside runs' cover is made from 1/2 inch electrical conduit, bent into a curve. My husband welded up some T's, Crosses, and Angles for making the framework. We then wove 8' deer netting onto the unassembled pieces before errecting them on top of the runs.

Some other perks include the nesting boxes on the back wall that can be blocked off with a panel and we also made panels with hardware cloth on the front for isolating sick or nesting birds in the 16 x 20 inch nesting cubes. The birds have free run 24/7 unless it is below 20 degrees, then we close the house to keep the temperature up. The top of the runs is armed with an electric fencer to surprise any roving racoons that wander by.
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Bugsaroo- Love, love your coop.The old timers really know what they are talking about. Everything is so efficient! The light from the windows is lovely. You must have some really happy chickens. Very nice, indeed! Thanks for sharing!
Ok -- well -- here's my page o' coops. West Wing chicken coop, Darling Duck House, Christmas card view, and winter special effects...

But no plans. I can't really apply to the contests - for that lack of planning part.

How about a contest for those of us flying by the seat of our pants -- winging it so to speak -- when it comes to knocking something together in search of poultry art and architecture...? No plans to speak of -- just a little free time -- and some lumber.

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OK, so my coop looks like a nice middle class home--yours looks like an upper class estate!
Do you plan on having more than 3 chickens--ever? What a mansion!

If I had more than an 8,000 sq. foot lot in the suburbs I would have a coop exactly like yours.... so if I move will you build it?
please oh please oh please??

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