Ended - NYD Hatch-along Contest #1: Total Number of Eggs Set

I would say at points, things are confusing. If you look around, or ask, you can find the answers you need. The organizers have tried to keep things in an organized way, however, if you don't do your own research, you might miss out. It's meant to be fun. I was confused, I asked questions and looks around, found my answers, and I think this whole thing is great... And I couldn't be anything but thankful for people that are giving me a chance to get free things.
I was just coming in too late to get the answers in time.
I was just coming in too late to get the answers in time.

I am sorry! There are still other contests to participate in, like the cute photo contest, calendar pic contest, chicks to hatch guess... And a few more! I am new to this hatch along as well... But I knew I probably would be at a slight disadvantage (I only use my horrible slow and spotty cell phone service on my phone as my Internet) so I tried to stay ahead of things
Here is the link that shows the many different contests and what the prizes for each contest are. Look for the specific link on each contest to take you "into" that specific page so you can post your pictures and guess for those specific contests. (I hope that made sense)


For example: The cute baby contest is listed like this. Just click on the link to take you to that page and you can post your picture at the bottom of that page.

7. BHep's
Cutest Baby Picture Contest

Pictures can be of a baby of any breed or species but the picture must be taken by the entrant. Limit 3 entries per person. Contest is open only during week two: 17 to 23 DEC. Post your picture in the NYD and PM it to Bhep.
Prize: 12 Hatching Eggs from BHep
Link to Thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/728913/nydh-contest7
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