Ended Official BYC Mini Contest #7 - Gingerbread Coop Contest 2017


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013

Nothing says "Holidays" like the smell of gingerbread so get out your baking pans, frosting and candies and get started on your entry into the 2017 Gingerbread Coop Contest!
Don't bake? No baking skills are required, feel free to use a kit or graham crackers and your imagination!

Photo courtesy of @Blooie

If you don't want to make one yourself, grab your kids or grandkids and turn them loose in the kitchen!
Children under the age of 12 will be judged separately from the adults and are eligible for a prize!

Photo courtesy of @Alice28

Don't have a kid to help you? Put your pets to work!

Photo courtesy of sunflour and Buddy The Cat

Or just do it yourself...

Photo courtesy of N F C

Three Prizes to be Awarded:

- One (1) 2017 BYC Calendar for Children Under the age of 12
- Two (2) 2017 BYC Calendars for Members Over the age of 12


* Entries must be posted to this thread
* At least a portion of the entry has to be edible
* It's ok to use a kit
* Anything poultry-related such as runs and incubators can be entered but your entry has to include a coop too
* A limit of 1 entry per member with a maximum of 3 photos per member
* No editing, photoshopping or captions are allowed...we want to see your original masterpiece
* Have fun (and try not to eat too many of the candy decorations)!

Note: sunflour has generously shared her recipes and tips for gingerbread structures here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/dont-be-chicken-even-a-cat-can-bake-a-gingerbread-house

We will be accepting entries until Sunday the 11th of December

If you would like a calendar, without entering the contest, please see how to purchase one HERE
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My entry........ I DID it! I DID it! I really really did it! I thought that I could do it and indeed I DID!

This started out as a gingerbread sleigh kit. I ditched the reindeer - Santa's Coupe is instead being pulled by a flock of chickens!

The sleigh and the chickens are gingerbread
Decorations on the sled are various candies
The chickens' wings and tail are tan fondant
Their combs are red fondant
The bows are candy birthday cake decorations
The beaks,eyes, and snow boots are black fondant
The chickens are held upright with Hershey's Kisses, cut in half to provide a "stand" in the icing
The chimney is an empty toilet paper roll, bricks drawn on with Sharpie with white icing snow
The rooftop is egg white icing ala @FridayYet
The margarita is waiting........
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Here is my submission. It's okay to laugh.
It's not a kid submission.This was the first time I've made a gingerbread house and it's a lot harder than I though.
There is a coop with nest boxes on the left turkey and egg nest in the middle and a small house on the right. The red is supposed to be a path from the coop to the house (but it looks like blood

Welcome to the Quacker's Cracker coop! Here Penny the Pekin and Chatter the Call are enjoying a winter day, after a dusting of snow last night.

There pool has turned to ice, so Penny sits on it's cold surface, waiting for it to melt so she can once again splash around. Chatter, meanwhile has gone broody, and sits faithfully on her nest with watchful ( and red ) eyes. BEWARE!

Over here you can see they have not laid there daily eggs. Oh, well. Maybe later.

This is all edible except the tray, and the pool.. The ducks are technically edible, but only if you enjoy eating frozen flour dough
. As I said, the ducks are made of flour with some water, their bills are dyed yellow. The coop and nesting place is made of gram-crackers and stuck together with melted chocolate, with the sides decorated by by smarties, and the top decorated with candy corn. The fence is made of gram-crackers and chocolate as well, and the '' fence spikes'' are pieces of candy corn, stuck on with honey. The snow is powered sugar. The pool ramp is a kit-kat bar, and the pool water is actual ice. I hope you enjoy this! I know I won't win, but I had fun doing it!

As we built:

finished: cabin, barn and coop

i think the reeses cups were suppposed to be trees, and the black jelly bean is a duck lol

my husband did most of the cabin decor

Chickens (jelly beans) on top of the coop
LOL, Thank you everyone, i thought i put not an entry

My daughter will be very excited that she won a contest

My husband will be happy we did not win eggs
I'll enter. I don't have the time to make ginger-bread so gram-crackers will have to do...
Oh boy! My favorite contest of the whooole year!

Graham crackers do work, but be forewarned...you do need to attach them to some sort of framework. Otherwise the combination of wet icing and the weight of the decorations will collapse it almost before you can pour another soda! (or Amaretto, if you build like I do!)

In mine for last year (thank you for using it on the rule post, @N F C ) I used a wooden tissue box found in the craft section of a local store and "glued" the graham crackers to that with icing. Of course, I didn't do that until I'd suffered two collapses - one was the gingerbread coop and other was me!

The frame behind the graham crackers was the only way to keep it together....well, until it met with a catastrophe of epic proportions and crashed off the table.
Oh, and @sunflour I distinctly remember last year someone asking if you would loan out Buddy and YOU SAID YES!

She didn't offer Buddy to me so I had to find and raise 2 cats of my own. Oh the sacrifices we make for gingerbread coops, lol. Hope you're stocked up on Amaretto B!

As for the picture of your GB coop...I was verrrrrrrrrrrry tempted to use a photo of your first "entry" last year. Who could forget this??


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