Enticing chicks back into the coop.


In the Brooder
Dec 17, 2015
Southeast Texas
I have 17 assorted chicks that are 1 month old. They are in the coop but I have not let them out into the run. They have been in the coop for about 2 1/2 weeks now. When I let them out how do I entice them to go back into the coop at the end of the day? Will they go back in where they feel secure to roost? I hate to think that my husband and I will have to chase them all over the run to get them back in.
If they have been in the coop for several weeks already, there's a very good chance they will go back on their own. Most birds only require 2-3 days of being locked in before they home to that area and will instinctually return at night.
I suggest that you put chicken treats in a can then let them see what is inside so when you shame the can they come running.
Very young chicks may require teaching to get them to go into the coop at night. While cooping up adult chickens imprints the coop on them as being "home", chicks haven't had enough experience yet to trust that the outside of the coop represents the same security as the inside when they were in there.

In other words, the view of the coop, once chicks are outside, is alien and strange. When night comes, they are especially distrustful of the coop since it will be darker in there than outside, so they are very leery of going where they can't see.

Go ahead and let those chicks explore outdoors, but keep an eye on them when dusk comes. They may not readily want to go inside. It helps to put a small night light inside the coop, and a lot of the time, this is all it takes for them to put themselves away.

If they don't, then I usually climb inside the coop and coax them inside with treats for a couple nights until they become familiar with both sides of the coop, outdoor as well as indoor.

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