Entire backside of Barred Rock is thick pasty white

therealsilkiechick---thanks for all the education-wazine 17 is actually what my DH bought!

I found a local farmer who was willing to come out and look at my hen before I treated her. (A friend called him for me so when I called just to ask him about putting the parts back in, he said he would look at the hen first.) I told him I was thinking prolapse and or vent gleet. He brought his personal vet with him.
It turns out it is just a prolapse. They both said she is really healthy otherwise. I am treating with prep-H and have her isolated in the dark. I bathed her and dried her last night and treated the inner part and put it back in. It did keep coming out. This morning we brought her in to bathe her again-- she is amazingly patient with me. While cleaning her, the part which was out again, went back in on its own and stayed in the entire time. I did treat it again- do I have to wait 14 days to eat her eggs. Right now I’m hopping the dark will keep her from producing anyway.

He echoed the comments that he has never had problems with Barred Rocks in this weather, even when we get the artic blasts that dip the temp into high negative numbers for 2 weeks.

The other white stuff on the two other Barred Rocks is gone- they suspect these hens sat in a little poop and it froze to them. Everyone is clean and looking good for our ice storm today.

I'm skipping the antibiotic and the worming med.

I did feed the yogurt a two days ago. I have apple cider vinegar in the water- both her private water and the one for the entire flock.

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