Entire flock health issue


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2016
Hi! I have 10 hens, 8 are a year old, varying breeds, and 2 are about 3, yrs/4 yrs old. A few weeks ago I noticed almost all of my ladies had bare bottoms, from the vent area down to their under belly. I started spraying them with a natural remedy for mites/lice. Nothing seemed to help, I started dusting the roost each night with DE. Still nothing, Now all of them have bare bottoms, and two now have what looks to be broken off, or chewed off back feathers, and tail feather.

Egg production is not bad, but quality of shell has been affected. I guessed it to be because they are trying to regrow feathers, so all calcium is going for that. Fed cat food a couple days and have been upping their calcium and protein intake.

Last weekend I treated the coop, without actually cleaning it, due to time I had available, with Permethrin. But over this last week I now see 2 other hens having the same broken/chewed off feathers on their backs.

I plan to treat the hens again with a stronger force this time, and use Ivermectin for cattle, in the correct dosage for poultry of course.

I also will retreat the coop again. I am at a loss as to what is doing this to my hens? Am I not doing something I should be to help them. I bathed the two worse hens last weekend in flea and tick shampoo to help also.

Sad part is, nothing is helping, and I am fighting an invisible invader!

My hens are on Nutrena crumble, and fresh water with garlic and ACV in it daily. Treats are limited. I took pictures of the two worse ones, and can upload to show you the broken/chewed off feathers if that would help?

Can anyone help me?? Please :) Thanks in advance!

no..sure don't. what about lice? Would lice eat away at feathers?

Neither lice nor mites typically destroy feathers. There is one type of mite known as the depluming mite which strips feathers, but there are broken, not stripped.

This looks like classic rooster wear, but it's also possible it could be caused by picking or simply damage due to rubbing on something. Is the damage occurring on mostly subordinate birds?
I would have to say generally yes, but not all of them. Also it doesn't explain how all of them are bare bottomed? I am so at a loss, and just have no clue what to do! If you don't think it's mites, nor lice, then I am not going to keep treating the ladies unnecessarily.

Some have shown a tad bit of feather loss just above and below the crop also. I will end up with naked chickens pretty soon if I can't figure this out...LOL
I would have to say generally yes, but not all of them. Also it doesn't explain how all of them are bare bottomed? I am so at a loss, and just have no clue what to do! If you don't think it's mites, nor lice, then I am not going to keep treating the ladies unnecessarily.

Some have shown a tad bit of feather loss just above and below the crop also. I will end up with naked chickens pretty soon if I can't figure this out...LOL

Sounds a lot like feather picking to me. What do you feed them? Percentage of commercial mix vs. treats and scraps? How many birds in how much space? Any recent stressors?
I have 10 chickens in a 8 x 8 coop. I have 8 nest boxes. Scraps, treats are at a very low minimal, average a treat or scraps once every 3-4 weeks. This just started and it's not the norm. Something obvious has changed, as this has been an established flock for a year now?

I am not dismissing what you are saying, just am home here and can see them on a daily basis (work from home) and other than the usual peck here and there, there isn't a big issue.

I do appreciate the time you have taken to try to help, and will make more of an effort to watch for feather picking in the upcoming days.
I have 10 chickens in a 8 x 8 coop. I have 8 nest boxes. Scraps, treats are at a very low minimal, average a treat or scraps once every 3-4 weeks. This just started and it's not the norm. Something obvious has changed, as this has been an established flock for a year now?

I am not dismissing what you are saying, just am home here and can see them on a daily basis (work from home) and other than the usual peck here and there, there isn't a big issue.

I do appreciate the time you have taken to try to help, and will make more of an effort to watch for feather picking in the upcoming days.

Hmm. Sounds like they're definitely not crowded or deficient. Has there been any stressful conditions at all? Birds being moved? Environment changes? Predators nearby?

Most people who have feather picking issues won't see the birds picking at each other. I'd recommend purchasing an anti-picking solution such as Pick-No-More, and applying it to a few of the hens to see if the issue stops.

Is there any area in your coop or run which they can scrape themselves on? Repeated rubbing or scraping can also cause damage like this.
Quote: Stressful conditions...no same old stuff, just happens on a different day...lol

Birds being moved....nope, just the same coop as always.....nothing new or changed.

Environment changes.....nothing......spring has finally sprung here is all?

Predators....always a risk, but no coop or outdoor run damage to show any obvious signs of any of them.

Quote: I thought the same thing, but each day I see more and more damage to the chickens....the golden laced Wyandotte, which is the worse so far, is showing signs now on her wings, her chest, and her neck. I feel like she is being eaten alive literally! My Golden buff is now showing signs of damage....

I have got to figure this out, and get what ever this is, under control. One thought I had, but so far fetched I am afraid to even wonder if it's possible. I read it somewhere a few years back, and would be more prevalent in cold weather, but ....don't laugh...could a rodent, field mouse being eating them at night on the roosts? I read that in cold weather a rodent ,usually a mouse because of size, can eat the feathers off the chicken as it contains the blood to help keep them warm and gives them nutrient they lack form other sources. But then I have 2 food bowls in the coop, so food would be at their disposal....I am reaching for any explanation out there.

I feel totally helpless......like I am failing my flock!!!
Did you ever figure this out? I have a roo that has a bare bottom, I have seen him pecking at his butt it is red and feathers are pretty well gone all from just above his vent in a square down toward his belly. He is the only one eith this problem, and my dominant roo I have a couple. Om worried about him, and am concerned he could be contagious. I see no critters on him. Any help would be great. I will see if I can get a pic of it tomorrow he has not been cooperative!

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