Epic Chicken Battle


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 26, 2012
Rimersburg, PA
I have 8 BO and BR.. one is a runt who I think is a roo and 3 other roos they are all 12 weeks old. Today I got 3 EE hens that are about a year and half. The lady I got them from said she never had problems introducing new chickens and they hers were non aggressive and if mine weren't they shouldn't have a problem. Mine are not. So I brought the new ones in the coop in a plastic dog crate and went to eat lunch.. After lunch I tired to let the new girls out.. 2 of them stayed in the crate but one came out and after walking around the coop a bit came into the run with the other chickens. Almost right off the bat my she came in and started to establish her role as alpha. she pecked at a few who tried to fight back till my Alpha stepped in. It was quite a battle. I let it go on for a bit even thought it scared me they kept grabbing face and neck feathers and pecking. I broke it up when I noticed blood on the new girl's comb.. after I also noticed a few spots on the roo. Should I have let them keep going? it seemed like nether wanted to give up although the roo was sort of winning. Did I just try to soon?I'm a little lost.I knew they would have to do some pecking to figure out where everyone fit but goodness.. It felt like it went on forever.
Most people on this site (that I've seen) say to leave them be unless you see blood. It's very hard to handle for us emotional humans
Do you have a place to house the new comers away from the others? You really should quarantine new chickens for at least 30 days to watch for illnesses. I've seen lots of posts on this site from people who bought chicks/chicken/roosters from people who promised this and that only to find it all lies. It's sad we can't trust people anymore.

And how many hens do you have? 4 roosters would need 40-50 hens
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We have 4 hens from the original flock and the 3 new ones. We are not planning on keeping 2 of the roos. I wasn't expecting to have my runt turn out to be a roo. My little girl just went out and let all the chickens our to free range. I sure hope the new kids come back in and there are no other fights.. When they were fighting earlier there was some blood on the combs of of both.. not alot but it was still there. I guess I should have let them go? They did seem to be running out of steam. I didn't know about keeping they apart for 30 days.. eekk. I had them in a XL dog crate in the coop for now I'm not sure how to pull off the 30 days.

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