Error Message

Thanks alot folks, I'll try that
Yes it happens from time to time. I hold control and hit refresh and it seems to fix it.

You may see an error on the "recent posts" pages (a simple page refresh will usually solve), but you shouldn't be seeing errors on the rest of the forum. If you do, please copy the error message with the URL of the page giving you the error and post it or send it to me via PM.
thanks Nifty, but the problem has seemed to have resolved itself. It could have been my computer too it is really old and has been giving me lots of problems.
Again thanks, and if you need too may may lock this one out.

I'm getting a hanging page after I post a comment sometimes. It would seem that my comment doesn't go through, but when I refresh, it's there. However, this may lead to accidental double posting if someone didn't know that their post went through the first time.
That might happen for a couple reasons:

1) Internet congestion anywhere between your PC and the server
2) A super busy spike on BYC when there are tons of peeps posting at the same time (shouldn't happen often, and only in the evening when most peeps are online)

If it happens, post the date and time and any other info you can.
I have a new computer only couple of months old, I only get the error message when clicking on the 'recent post' link at the bottom of the page. And it does not happen all that often.

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