Escaped Chicken Stories!?


In the Brooder
Nov 21, 2016
One of my RIR, Callie, managed to escape our fully enclosed coop and run. I have no idea how, I'm blaming a glitch in the matrix. Luckily she let me pick her up and return her without any fuss. The last time I had a gal escape, I spent 20 minutes trying to catch her!

Does anyone else have a good chicken runaway story they'd like to share?
We had set up a seperate enclosure for our little polish rooster because the hens were pecking his crown so badly. Unfortunately, it was not as secure as it should have been, because when I went out in the evening, he was just gone. He must have squeezed between the top of the wall and the netting.

I couldn't find him anywhere, and we assumed he was gone, as we live in an area full of predators.

However, the next morning, he was standing outside the run, waiting to be let in.

Another time, I am ashamed to say that our dog, who is normally completely well behaved around the chickens, pushed through the door, grabbed a chicken, and spent the next 20 minutes running around our big field with it in her mouth. She came back, dropped the hen at my feet, the hen shook herself and walked right back into her run.
Ikemiker, I'm so glad both chickens made it back unscathed! My dogs got into my coop twice and had a few of our pullets for a snack. I was devastated. I hope your dog doesn't do that again!
For the past couple days including today my hen somehow opens the door were we collect her eggs. When I get home I have to trick her into going back in or chase her around. She's SOOO fast though so i end up giving up.
Lovelyduckling, what kind is she? When my buff orpington got out she had me running in circles!
That's a smart chicken you got there!
She's a barred rock hen and has chicks with a sex linked rooster. All of them are fast except our rooster! Lol!she is smart though, you should see her and you'll know.
I had a sizable (24 or so) free range flock several years ago that was allowed in the front yard (no flower beds). I also had a rooster who picked his "fave five" and lead them around, cooing, chirping, feeding them morsels, it was so cute. And them he stole them. Took them all across the street to the neighbors yard/flower beds. So I got them to stop crossing the street after a few days of being really evil, and then he decided to take them on a walk-about up the road to the cemetery. Once again I had to make him/them think this was not a good idea. But he never forgave me. At some point, he got really upset with me and decided to attack me. No matter how hard I fought back, he just kept coming and coming. Finally we had to 86 the rooster, it was either that or he would just keep trying to win the battle of wits.and it got down to me (with the fave five) or him.
Yes, they are a handful! I'm trying to keep them up so they won't get eatin by a chicken hawk! One's been coming around our area! I try to let them out as much as I can but I can't put them up until night when they calm down! They used to be free ranged so they are not used to being in a small coop!

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