Escaped chukar partridge wants to come home... how can I get him back?


Jan 6, 2019
One of my chukars flew out while I was putting the other chukars into their roosting nest last week. He came home yesterday and I saw on video that he was actively trying to get in the coop back to his flock! I don't know what I can do to help him! I have a trap set up but it's a haveahart trap and I'm not sure he's going to fall for it. How can I safely get him back in without risking the rest of the flock? I have three others and If I open the coop they might fly away as well. He wants to come home! 3 giant hawks scared him away when he was here. My coop isn't huge but its big enough. I cannot fit inside the coop and close the doors when I am changing water and bedding so that's part of the issue.
Can you temporarily block off part of your coop/run with chicken wire so he can come in the door and the others not be able to get out? (Lure with food).

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