Ethyl is acting strangely


In the Brooder
Oct 29, 2016
Hello All,

3 girls, all roughly 28 weeks old. Barred Rock, started laying about 3 weeks ago - yay! RR, just got her first egg this morning - double yay!! The problem is Ethyl, my SL Wyandotte. No eggs yet or squatting - today and yesterday she seems strange - she is not hanging out with the other two like normal and when I go out to the yard, the other two run towards me like normal anticipating treats while she just sits there (she is laying down a lot) - she dosen't hae any nasal discharge, her eyes are bright, she is eating and drinking normally, just dosen't seem interested in anything like the other two and she is not acting "normal". Any ideas? I will take her to the vet if needeed but she doesn't look "sick" - just like she doesn't really care about much of anything. Any advice would be great - thanks in advance..:/.
She could be ill with no symptoms. Could be internal parasites whats her poop look like?
Also could be egg bound, but you said she hasnt started laying right? So thats unlikely.
Then again there might not be anything wrong with her at all, i have a few hens that arent very social and tend to hang in the coop more this time of year.

Just examine her real well, check her poop, her eyes for bubbles, her breathing for weezing, smell her face make sure theres no foul smell, check her crop for a hard or squishy feeling, her bottom for any irregularities, and her skin for lice and mites.

If you cant find anything wrong keep an eye on her and if she starts getting any worse seperate her and get her the medical attention she needs.
She could be ill with no symptoms. Could be internal parasites whats her poop look like?
Also could be egg bound, but you said she hasnt started laying right? So thats unlikely.
Then again there might not be anything wrong with her at all, i have a few hens that arent very social and tend to hang in the coop more this time of year.

Just examine her real well, check her poop, her eyes for bubbles, her breathing for weezing, smell her face make sure theres no foul smell, check her crop for a hard or squishy feeling, her bottom for any irregularities, and her skin for lice and mites.

If you cant find anything wrong keep an eye on her and if she starts getting any worse seperate her and get her the medical attention she needs.

Great advice- I will do all of those- thanks very much for your post
Ok, stayed out with her long enough to see her poop - it was a squirt of what looked like yellow water- not any "substance " to it at all... worried about her... :(

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