Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

On average, what do you all get egg number wise per week from one hen? How many years do they tend to stay productive egg wise? how long do your "egg strikes" usually last for? Thanks.

My two best girls lay two days, then take a day off... so 4 or 5 per wk depending on how it falls. My not quite one year old hens are in the middle of their first molt, so I can't answer your other questions. SusanC and FlatRockFarm have both had EOs for several years now, and would be better able to answer your questions. The OP doesn't drop in very often...
I just bought my first 7 baby chicks. I want to learn all I can on this breed. does anyone have a link that can tell me about this breed. I love the color of the birds that I have seen in pics. I'mgoing to post some pics the person I bought them from told me that one of them is a roo and the rest are hens but would like a second opinion. Please help am new to this breed.
I just bought my first 7 baby chicks. I want to learn all I can on this breed. does anyone have a link that can tell me about this breed. I love the color of the birds that I have seen in pics. I'mgoing to post some pics the person I bought them from told me that one of them is a roo and the rest are hens but would like a second opinion. Please help am new to this breed.
WANTED: Columbian-type EO rooster. We had this gorgeous boy, but lost him to a domestic predator (ie. our dog). We haven't hatched out anything quite like him yet, so if we can find another like him we would LOVE to bring a better one in.

We are willing to trade Millie Fleur-type hens or pay cash for one. Let us know if you have something we can work with. Thanks! Oiloa Chickens/IMGA0029.jpg Oiloa Chickens/IMGA0012.jpg
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I was wondering if I could get a general consensus on how well EO roosters get along together as they mature or age out ?

I know I read through most of this Post back some time ago, In fact it was the reason why i got back into chickens and why I picked The
EO,s Unfortunately my memory,,,well Fast Forward and I now have a nice flock of 14 EO,s that are about 7 1/2 months old, with 6 very
beautiful and friendly roosters. To this point they have all gotten along very well, They all seem to know where in the pecking order they
stand,,,There has been absolutely no aggresion shown towards people or most importantly my daughters who handle them on a daily
I would have no problem culling down to one or two, but because my daughters have become so attached, That may be hard to do.

So Those that have had this breed for a few years, Can I pretty much expect them to continue getting along ?? To continue being friendly and non aggressive ? I am not sure at what age they would be considered an adult but they have certainly sized up and have
become quite majestic looking.
By the way, got my first three eggs today..but thats another whole story

Thanks John
WANTED: Columbian-type EO rooster. We had this gorgeous boy, but lost him to a domestic predator (ie. our dog). We haven't hatched out anything quite like him yet, so if we can find another like him we would LOVE to bring a better one in.

We are willing to trade Millie Fleur-type hens or pay cash for one. Let us know if you have something we can work with. Thanks! Oiloa Chickens/IMGA0029.jpg Oiloa Chickens/IMGA0012.jpg
Nice looking roo!

I hope you find a replacement.
I was wondering if I could get a general consensus on how well EO roosters get along together as they mature or age out ?

I know I read through most of this Post back some time ago, In fact it was the reason why i got back into chickens and why I picked The
EO,s Unfortunately my memory,,,well Fast Forward and I now have a nice flock of 14 EO,s that are about 7 1/2 months old, with 6 very
beautiful and friendly roosters. To this point they have all gotten along very well, They all seem to know where in the pecking order they
stand,,,There has been absolutely no aggresion shown towards people or most importantly my daughters who handle them on a daily
I would have no problem culling down to one or two, but because my daughters have become so attached, That may be hard to do.

So Those that have had this breed for a few years, Can I pretty much expect them to continue getting along ?? To continue being friendly and non aggressive ? I am not sure at what age they would be considered an adult but they have certainly sized up and have
become quite majestic looking.
By the way, got my first three eggs today..but thats another whole story

Thanks John
Mine were fine together. I had to cull them and rehome two. One went to live with a brother and that did not go well, so you might have a problem if you have to separate them for any time.

I have read that about a lot of breeds.

Congrats on the first eggs!
I was wondering if I could get a general consensus on how well EO roosters get along together as they mature or age out ?

I know I read through most of this Post back some time ago, In fact it was the reason why i got back into chickens and why I picked The
EO,s Unfortunately my memory,,,well Fast Forward and I now have a nice flock of 14 EO,s that are about 7 1/2 months old, with 6 very
beautiful and friendly roosters. To this point they have all gotten along very well, They all seem to know where in the pecking order they
stand,,,There has been absolutely no aggresion shown towards people or most importantly my daughters who handle them on a daily
I would have no problem culling down to one or two, but because my daughters have become so attached, That may be hard to do.

So Those that have had this breed for a few years, Can I pretty much expect them to continue getting along ?? To continue being friendly and non aggressive ? I am not sure at what age they would be considered an adult but they have certainly sized up and have
become quite majestic looking.
By the way, got my first three eggs today..but thats another whole story

Thanks John

My experience has been they get along fine until I upset the balance by taking a couple to the table. Then with the pecking order disrupted, the blood and feathers start flying. So I either have to process everybody (roosters, that is) or make individual accommodations for my favorites. Same time frame as yours...
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I have two roosters that get along. One is top dog, and if the lower one attempts to crow, there is a crazy chase all over the place. As soon as the chase peters out, #2 attempts to crow again (he can't really crow because he never had any practice), and the chase is on again! It is quite comical. So far, there haven't been any real serious fights. They are 8 months old.
Big Fella, my top dog EO roo, gets along fine with the two other roos in his pen - one other EO and a blue wheaten Am - as long as no one else crows. Then there is the above-mentioned pounding. No blood or feathers flying, just a good thumping.
I am so glad I found this thread. My first EOs are hatching as we speak...there are 11 eggs in the 'bator, and so far 4 have pipped, one has hatched. They weren't due to hatch till tomorrow. I'm really excited--the pictures I've seen of these birds are just so beautiful, and so evocative of country life the way one fantasizes about it... Okay, I'm being sappy, but I've got chicks hatching, so of course I'm sentimental and emotional tonight! BTW, this little one hatched with a bit of comb, not just a flat nubby one. Is that typical? I think it's a boy.

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