Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

I am very excited about this!

Megan is going to get one of my roosters back to me too! I should be able to work on improving them too.


so much good news for you!
On Friday I processed 3 roosters. A Marraduna Basque, a White Orpington, and aHeritage Rhode Island Red. Both the Marraduna and Orpington (after processing) weighed in at just over 4 LBS. The Rhode Island Red dwarfed them both at 7 LBS. All were just about the same age. It will be interesting to compare the difference in taste. I suppose I should prepare all three in the same manner as to make an accurate comparison. Anyone else experimented in this type of comparison...if so what results did you find
I'm watching and comparing, and I know Ron is, too.

You said similar in age, how old were they? When you say Her RIR, I'm assuming that your stock is bred true to standard. My Basques have a ways to go to meet the Spanish standard...

I did a taste test of hatchery Barred Rock cockerels against EO cockerels - the EO was much darker in the leg and thigh than the BR and had way more flavor.
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Taste comparisons of the meat of the different birds will be useful. Post your findings, many of it will find it interesting.
And were the RIR birds a heritage strain?????
On Friday I processed 3 roosters. A Marraduna Basque, a White Orpington, and aHeritage Rhode Island Red. Both the Marraduna and Orpington (after processing) weighed in at just over 4 LBS. The Rhode Island Red dwarfed them both at 7 LBS. All were just about the same age. It will be interesting to compare the difference in taste. I suppose I should prepare all three in the same manner as to make an accurate comparison. Anyone else experimented in this type of comparison...if so what results did you find

I'm watching and comparing, and I know Ron is, too.

You said similar in age, how old were they? When you say Her RIR, I'm assuming that your stock is bred true to standard. My Basques have a ways to go to meet the Spanish standard...

I did a taste test of hatchery Barred Rock cockerels against EO cockerels - the EO was much darker in the leg and thigh than the BR and had way more flavor.

Taste comparisons of the meat of the different birds will be useful. Post your findings, many of it will find it interesting.
And were the RIR birds a heritage strain?????
I am very interested. So far the Basque Cockerels were one of the best tasting. I have 10 almost two week old Bates line RIRs so I will have some HRIR to compare in about 4 months. They are very "sturdy" chicks too.

The best so far for me was a SG Dorking X Marans. It was not the biggest but was still over 3#s dressed at 12 weeks old.

Edited to add: I use a pressure cooker to braise them.
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I am also very interested to hear how the taste tests and dressed weights work out. My EOs are not old enough to process but I'm looking forward to the opportunity. I've got several breeds I'm raising and will post my findings here also.

So far, I've processed several swedish flower hens and they were all between 5-8 months of age. They dressed out at 3-3.5 lbs. each. The youngest was also the heaviest. They were tasty but not a lot of meat overall, particularly breast meat. I wasn't expecting supermarket breasts but there was really very little. Delicious soup...
Trying to think ahead here. We have a 20 acre parcel behind our property, how tall a fence should I put up to keep them home? Being a large bird I'm thinking they don't get to far off the ground.
My Basques are really good about staying put. They can get up to a 6'-8' limb or roof, no problem. But they'll stay in a 3' wire pen if I put them there...

48" -50" fencing is better. I like the idea that they can leave if they want to... I don't know if they would be that smart should something get in the pen with them, but I can always hope!

Now, youngsters, 12wks to POL, is a different story. They fly like quail, and get the wanderlust too.
Trying to think ahead here. We have a 20 acre parcel behind our property, how tall a fence should I put up to keep them home? Being a large bird I'm thinking they don't get to far off the ground.
ive never even seen mine fly-I have 1 hen and 1 roo...I never thought about it before but I would be thinking the same roo is HUGE my hen is really little. you shouldn't one that's to high.

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