Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

Today I picked through what is left of a group I hatched out 3 and 4 weeks ago. 10 boys and 7 girls. I have a local fella coming today for all the pullets. 1 cockerel is super friendly with the best type out of the bunch. His color is looking redder and more rich than the typical creamy color at 4 weeks. Nice yellow shanks and beak. The rest of the boys are culls. Can't keep them all. ;)
Candled 2 eggs last night out of the 26 in the incubator. One from each group of eggs I got and great veining on both.(day 5 1/2) Starting turning last night. Now to wait till day 10 to candle them all. Fingers crossed.
Candled 2 eggs last night out of the 26 in the incubator. One from each group of eggs I got and great veining on both.(day 5 1/2) Starting turning last night. Now to wait till day 10 to candle them all. Fingers crossed.

I hope you have great development going on!
I wanted to pop in to post that I have decided I should let my Basques go to someone who has passion for them. I have five,two cockerels, two pullets and one 7 wk unknown. I like one of the cockerels very much so he could stay if someone really didn't want both. I am local pick up only. While I do like them in general and enjoy working with rare breeds I just have to pair back down to the four breeds I was sure I wanted to work with. Pm me if you are interested.
I wanted to pop in to post that I have decided I should let my Basques go to someone who has passion for them. I have five,two cockerels, two pullets and one 7 wk unknown. I like one of the cockerels very much so he could stay if someone really didn't want both. I am local pick up only. While I do like them in general and enjoy working with rare breeds I just have to pair back down to the four breeds I was sure I wanted to work with. Pm me if you are interested.
I wish you were closer to me!
I wanted to pop in to post that I have decided I should let my Basques go to someone who has passion for them. I have five,two cockerels, two pullets and one 7 wk unknown. I like one of the cockerels very much so he could stay if someone really didn't want both. I am local pick up only. While I do like them in general and enjoy working with rare breeds I just have to pair back down to the four breeds I was sure I wanted to work with. Pm me if you are interested.
I also wish I was closer to you but am down here in Texas almost to Mexico. I love these guys. Right now my 9 eggs are starting to hatch so far have 4 hatched out. Only way to get them here in Texas that I know is get the eggs and hatch them yourself. Can't seem to find them and this state is huge. Right now I have Rooster and his 2 hens that just started to lay. The eggs are from the same person in Fl that I got my 6 eggs from last yr.
Hope you find someone for yours.
LOL Well, about late January I am wishing I was nearer you all too. I have to admit I really like the mille fleur pattern on the chick and hen and I like the one really dark 'crele' like cock that is here. I was just admiring him today. I figure I have to do something to wittle down my numbers. So few people even know what these are though!
REALLY! I I bet it gets a it chilly up sounds like you are reconsidering..........for your sake, I hope you do. I have raised thousands of birds and never found anything I like as much as these....but if you don't, I bet somebody up there will jump on some mature birds. Good luck whichever way you go.............
I do keep reconsidering. I don't have a land race here and it has occurred to me they would be easier than managing the SOP for another breed. And I love their colors :) I have Salmon Favorelles, Partridge Chanteclers, Russian Orloffs and for money making (and their beards of course) I have Ameraucanas and Black Copper Marans. There are others here as well but not in the same quantities. I have to down size. Eating them seems a crime. I am sure I will feel differently in the fall.
Yes, it does get cold. One Basque is dubbed (by the breeder) and I have to admit I like it. That big single is a lot of work here in the winter. Do any of you eat your birds as a rule? I know Basques are on the list of Slow food ark of taste or something like that.

Edited to add, I believe white sickles are not preferred, isn't that correct? I think I saw one in my cock the other day.
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