Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

My latest batch of EO chicks (3rd generation) just turned five weeks old and it looks like they could be sex links! Guess which one is the boy in the picture below (not counting the 8 week old silkie!)

The girls are getting darker and more consistent, but I'm still seeing smuttiness and the occasional spangle which you can see in the two girls in the photo below. At least I've gotten rid of the white legs and black breasted boys. Still seeing the occasional willow leg that turns yellow, but not as clear yellow the ones that start yellow. I wonder how many more generations before I finally get rid of those too.

I'm more and more convinced that there is a double dilution (at least in the boys) going on. Anyone know if the dilution (Di) gene is sex linked? If not, there may be something else going on on that makes the boys so much lighter than the girls --- over and above the barring gene.

Nice looking juvenile's Tru!!!
I wanted to post some updated pics of my breeding trio. Our roo is enormous! His tail feathers are coming in beautifully! Both gals are now laying as of yesterday.


My baby Basque adopted some baby Ameraucana's.

I keep my babies inside (I know, bad practice but I do it anyway) until they are 2 - 3 weeks old. We have a broody box in an old playhouse outside. It's complete with a heat lamp but it is still significantly colder than inside. I recently put 3 AM's out in the broody box with some 5 - 6 wk old Basque chicks.

It was SOOOO cute! I wish I'd have gotten a picture. One of the Basque pullets decided to adopt these tiny Ameraucana chicks. She would fluff herself out and they hid in her feathers (while under the light). She is still a baby herself so this was sweet! The first couple nights I was concerned but the little Basque chick took good care of the new babies. What amazing mother instincts! She is speckled, not the ginger color but I think she's staying anyway.

It's official. Basque are awesome!
First egg on Saturday! Out of our 5 breeds, it was the EO first, just two days shy of 24 weeks, followed by our SFH at exactly 24 weeks. So far, she's laid 3 days out of 4!
I have to say, as much as I was hoping for eggs before the days got too short, I'm surprised it happened and that she's keeping up like the weather doesn't matter. But hey, I'm not complaining!
First egg on Saturday! Out of our 5 breeds, it was the EO first, just two days shy of 24 weeks, followed by our SFH at exactly 24 weeks. So far, she's laid 3 days out of 4!
I have to say, as much as I was hoping for eggs before the days got too short, I'm surprised it happened and that she's keeping up like the weather doesn't matter. But hey, I'm not complaining!
Ok, I have a 17 week old EO that was confusing to people when I asked if it was a girl or boy. Can you guys tell me what you think. Here's pictures. Boy or girl?

Another picture. Close up

One more

So I think she's a girl, but the comb seems big for 17 weeks. Maybe she's going to be an early layer? Let me know what you think. Roo or pullet?
Ok, I have a 17 week old EO that was confusing to people when I asked if it was a girl or boy. Can you guys tell me what you think. Here's pictures. Boy or girl?

Another picture. Close up

One more

So I think she's a girl, but the comb seems big for 17 weeks. Maybe she's going to be an early layer? Let me know what you think. Roo or pullet?
This one looks off for Marraduna colors. Cockerels should have gray and white barring in the tail at this age. The comb looks like a pullet comb but the wattles are bit big.

I am leaning towards pullet. If this is a cross with an Easter Egger, then the red on the wings would indicate cockerel.

Where did you get the chicken? Are you sure it is not a cross? If there was a different Rooster around 3 to 4 weeks before the eggs were collected then you can have a cross.

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