Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

I love that pic Skyline!
Looks like your cat wants something out of that tub too
Hhappy 4th of July. We just had our 1st of July party here in Canada!

Sebastopol, we are glad you found us here and at the Euskal Oiloa site! We are happy to meet Euskal Oiloa crazy chicken people from all over the world! Everyone else doesn't know what they are missing!
I think they will be finding out in 2011 and 2012!

annabananaandfamily sounds like a great idea!
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Thats Cleo (cat).. Shes so loyal to me. I found her when she was a little kitten and she was eatn up with flees. My wife cleaned her up and doctored her back to health and shes been outside with the chickens ever since, and in the bed curled up at our feet and head and under the covers,lol. She everywhere she wants to be (can u say spoiled). She always gets her a treat when the chickens get something.
How was your 1st of July?
I feel bad calling Sebastopol a guy,lol... Please forgive me Sebastopol..
I have read the entire thread over the past few days and have checked out everyone's links and the new Euskal website. I started keeping chickens this year and had designated the Speckled Sussex as my main bird because of its dual purpose characteristics. However, the breed has not been properly maintained over the years and, as a result, almost all SSs today are underweight. I enjoy the Speckleds because they are so friendly, so I stumbled upon this thread in looking for a similarly friendly dual-purpose breed that is still utilitarian.

And I think the Basque birds are amazing!
Not only are they friendly and beautiful, but they are still productive.

Of course, I was going to rush off and beg to be added to the list for fall eggs, but DH has asked that I hatch no more chickens until I have homed the extra cockerels that we already have. (I can't actually bring myself to kill a bird that I hand-raised
; I mainly want a dual-purpose bird as a hedge against the future.) So, I am hoping that hatching eggs will be available this coming spring (or maybe for Mahonri's New Years Hatchalong...), and I will be following along and learning in the meantime.

Welcome! You have read it all!
They are worthy! You think the roosters are hard to process that you have now!! Try half a dozen white speckledy rooster leaning on you for a scratches and attention.
makes you feel guilty about thinking about it. Hopefully next year we will hatch a ton and have so many roos I can't fall in love with them all. We always eat the other breeds though!

Actually the roosters of this breed are quite easy to find homes for, as they are so tame and friendly, as pets, and they are unique looking and rare. People are attracted to them.

I am sure you'll be able to get eggs next Spring! If hubby relents, you'll just love these cheeky boogers this fall!
Feel free to join in on the other site, ask questions, I have written articles from what I remember, but once people ask questions about them I realize how much more I actually know from observing them! Makes answering on specifics easier! Like I had forgotten how the young roos in a mixed group of pure breeds would lay or sit by the doorway at dusk while all the others went in and roosted. Every night without fail, they were guarding the doorway! They are a neat breed, quite intelligent!

Skyline, July 1st was great, relaxed took it easy and camped on our farm! 26 degrees celcius and sunny all weekend, just nicelly hot. Cleo is a cutie, she was definitely moving in for attention....amazing how many EOs were looking at you in the pic!
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In time Claire people will get to experience these beautiful unique birds. I'm excited to see what the reactions are going to be. Next year about this time the thread will be going nutz as well as the forum.
I'm glad that you had a relaxing 1st. Sunday for me was a great day and night as well. It came a shower today and I thought I was gonna have to break out the canoe,lol.
Thank you for the welcome, Skeffling and Skyline! I'll certainly go sign up on the forum, but, at the moment, I'm not even sure what to ask! I am glad to hear that people like the roosters. That's a definite plus!
I certainly enjoy intelligent breeds - it's one of the things I appreciate in my dog (and that I miss in my youngest group of chicks in comparison to the older ones! Boy, does breed make a difference.)

Skyline, I love seeing your chickens out ranging and scratching in the woods. My head swirls, however, when I start to count your birds. Oh my!
I'm in the mountains of western Virginia, and my little flock does the same thing sometimes, more when they are older. I was sitting outside watching them yesterday morning when a black bear ran by, literally ran, about fifty feet up the hollow from where I was sitting.
He kept going, though. I think something must have scared him wherever he was bedded down. There's also a den of grey foxes just down from the house, but the neighbors have been feeding the kits ham and other treats, so I don't think they'll be bothering the chickens. It's funny - in this small, Southern town of hunters and outdoorsmen, the neighborhood seems to have adopted these kits and their parents, everyone vowing not to shoot them and talking down those that were planning to. Anyhow, it's wild country, and I need a wily, intelligent, watchful bird. I'm excited to learn more!
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