Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

Or you could come and visit us in California... It is like a spanish language class all day. I love it, but then, I speak it. I figure California as Mexico Norte, white man straight up stole that one. Many Mexicans refer to California with the historic name: Caliphas... Their Caliphate. There are many neighborhoods here where english is very rare.
Come on over for an immersion class:D
We'll have you speaking in a month.

When my wife was going out to Arizona to work she said that you better know some Spanish. She knows some but I'd like to really learn it.
Muy buen video. Muchisima gracias. Parece que hay muchas variedades interesantes. Especialmente para nosotros que viven en una clima similar. Es muy interesante que hay dinero para protegir las razas. Hay mas gente que apprecian las razas de agricultura en Espana?

Great Video, Thank you. Looks like lots of great breeds over there. Love those big combs. It looks like the birds tend to be a bit smaller, my Minorca are huge in comparison. I wonder if in the classic American style, we have selected for largesse over all else. (been to Walmart lately? some er... large breeds in there.
) Anyhow, beautiful birds, top notch operation. Thanks for sharing.

De nada!
I think it's a obligation to preserve the cultural and genetic heritage. Besides many of these breeds are unknow in other provinces.
But some persons are saying they are not working well, because are destroying some breeds because are out of the breed standard.
There are a lot of breeds in Spain, and many of them, in danger.

Andaluza Azul

Andaluza sureña


Castellana Negra..

Combatiente Español


Pardo de León

Indio de León



Gallina de Mos


Pinta Asturiana





Catalana del Prat


Euskal Oiloa

Serrana de Teruel


Valenciana de Chulilla


Flor d´ Ametller
Menorca enana
Castellana negra enana
Carablanca enana
Andaluza Azul enana
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So, do EOs have any unusual housing or dietary preferences? I know the Icelandic chickens like to have big baskets for their nests, and Easter Eggers like to eat hot pepper flakes and other South American foods like quinoa and sweet potatoes - that sort of thing. Has anyone noticed any preferences related to roosting height, treats, etc?

Also (and I apologize if I already read this somewhere and it just didn't stick), but do we have an SOP that we are working towards - obviously not an official US guide, but a written-up list of guidelines that you are following? Personally, I love the bit of black that some of the girls have in their hackles, but I don't know if that is something we are supposed to encourage or not. Anything that you are currently trying to encourage or discourage?

If you look on I believe it's page 20 on here you'll be able to see the Marradunas that Sebastopol has posted of the Euskal Oiloak from over in Spain (correct me if I'm wrong Sebastopol).. There is black flecking in the hackles of the Marraduna females. As far as in a standard for the US, I'm personally working towards the standard of their origons. This will take work from very dedicated breeders willing to do this. Me being one! Whether we import or work with what we got it can and will be done. I'm dedicated to this breed and if anyone else is, then we will all work together to keep what little Euskal Oiloak we have here flourishing.
I can't speak for others but mine have no special needs besides attention. Spending time with your flocks makes a big difference on how your birds act around you. Mine love the attention and like to play and interact with me. They're hardy vigorous birds. They are excellent foragers and if you have a place for them to roam then they'll gladly keep it clean of pest. Mine will chase the smallest of flying pests and run through the fields and woods to gather food on their own until I bring treats and extras.
Claire has posted some triats that is to be encouraged and discouraged on her Squidoo page and other websites.
Hope that was of some help. Thanks everyone for following this thread and lets always work together in taking care of our poultry so many generatons can enjoy them as well. Thanks.

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