Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

I put paper towels on top of the wire then my eggs. Its a lot cleaner that way and takes care of the problem with there feet getting caught.

I had the same problem once (although I opened the incubator and the rest got stuck... crazy day of assisting hatches ensued...). In part, I had that problem because I place plastic shoebox lids under the wire during the lockdown to lift the eggs to the same level that they were when in the turner. Now, I roll up paper towels to make little "bumpers" that I wedge between the wall and wire and haven't had that happen again. Good luck to your little guy.

I will try that. I am down to 2! I just went out to check feed and water. The babies are in the garage on a heat lamp and 2 were dead. I am so sad...I have other chicks in with them...Try, Try again!
I am so sorry!
I have no idea why that might have happened! Do the rest of your chicks look okay? The only thing I can think of is some sort of garage-related fumes, like gasoline or exhaust, but that would affect them all.
Chances are that there was just something different about those chicks. I wish you the best of luck with the remainder of your hatch!
Yes the others look fine. I have had all my fall hatch out is a finished one and the car is only in for a few minutes if that to warm was a shock! The Sussex are fine. This happens to me every time I want a certain breed...I will just have to wait for Jim to send more...I haven't had egg money to cover this little project .....shhh don't tell DH the eggs Thanks for the happy thoughts...I just don't get it..they were growing well...2 isn't enough...
It definitely must have just been something different with those two. I'm sorry you didn't get more EOs.
I do love friendly little Sussex chicks, though. Congratulations on the chicks that you do have (of which we will most certainly need pictures!) and I am sure you will be able to get more in the future. There are always holidays, if you need an excuse for the expense.
Valentine's Day, birthdays, Easter, Labor Day...
Thanks! I just checked on the last two and they are looking great. I do see that these are moving a lot more then the 2 who passed. Skyline just said the girls have slowed down, it will be a while.
No happy holiday here.
Have a wonderful day.

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