Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

Some of the stories I've read on here worry me about the potential aggression of the roos (like Pastrymamas). I noticed that when I was fearful, earlier on (after reading these stories), the chicks really sensed that and acted accordingly . Working with dogs, I've noticed they're quite sensative to the energy those emotions are putting out. So far, chickens seem the same way. My short, few month span around chickens isn't a lot to draw from though. Does any one else notice this?

In any case, I've moved my 6 chickens into their new, outside home (my DH finished their coop for my bday. Yea, no more dust in the house!). One thing that has been harder is catching them. Even though I've been hand holding them everyday, they're still not crazy about being caught. They will come to eat scratch and food out of my hand but the hens are more wary now that they know they might get picked up if they get close. Once they're picked up, they're generally okay about it, but most of the time now that they have more space to run away, they go crazy and get more scared. I don't want to scare the daylights out of them just to pick them up. Any advice?

Some of the stories I've read on here worry me about the potential aggression of the roos (like Pastrymamas). I noticed that when I was fearful, earlier on (after reading these stories), the chicks really sensed that and acted accordingly . Working with dogs, I've noticed they're quite sensative to the energy those emotions are putting out. So far, chickens seem the same way. My short, few month span around chickens isn't a lot to draw from though. Does any one else notice this?

In any case, I've moved my 6 chickens into their new, outside home (my DH finished their coop for my bday. Yea, no more dust in the house!). One thing that has been harder is catching them. Even though I've been hand holding them everyday, they're still not crazy about being caught. They will come to eat scratch and food out of my hand but the hens are more wary now that they know they might get picked up if they get close. Once they're picked up, they're generally okay about it, but most of the time now that they have more space to run away, they go crazy and get more scared. I don't want to scare the daylights out of them just to pick them up. Any advice?


Hi Jennifer

When mine were 6 weeks old I took them out to the front yard and let them run around:

One of my neighbors was shocked that I had them in the front yard. She thought they would run away. When it was time to bring them back in I just walked up to them and picked them up.

None of the 5 cockerels I hatched are mean. They are the calmest of the breeds I have.

All chickens are motivated by food. Get some treats for them--Worm Frenzy is great but it can be anything they like to eat. Start by holding out your had to them and let them see you drop it. Over several days, they will get closer to you until they will come up to you and eat the treat out of your hand.

My big girls and the rooster follow me around the yard when I go out side. sometimes I actually step on their poor feet. A couple don't want me to touch them but they really like me because of the treats.

Good Luck!

I can't get close enough to my Basque hens to catch them. The roosters, on the other hand, come up to me a lot, so I've been picking them up. One likes to bite and latch on, so today I wore gloves and he didn't try to bite.

Mine have not been aggressive towards me (other than the biting). I can't really say I've noticed a particular friendliness with this breed, the way others have. They did jump up on the edge of the brooder when they were small. Two of my 4 roosters are petrified of me, so I picked the two that will come near me to keep, even though one of the skittish ones has nice coloring.

Maybe if you keep hand feeding they will get more comfortable with you. I stopped trying to pick up the girls, since they are so intimidated. To me, they are beautiful chickens, and hopefully good layers (too young to know), but I would not list friendliness and an outstanding characteristic.
The rooster I got from Ron is the sweetest guy! He comes up to be pet and he's a huge pushover with his ladies.

The little pullet Megan got from me is the nicest little thing too. I would reach my hand out and she would walk right up and stand there waiting for me to bring her out to the chicken hutch.

Mine must have come from the nice breeding pen.

You are lucky, Ron!

Don't get me wrong, I love these birds, but they are just not particularly friendly. Funny, my little off-color wheaten Ameraucana that looks just like a Basque, is very friendly. She was not doing well at first, and I had to bring her in and syringe feed her. She loves to ride around on my arm or shoulder now. Maybe food is the answer. :D
You are lucky, Ron!

Don't get me wrong, I love these birds, but they are just not particularly friendly. Funny, my little off-color wheaten Ameraucana that looks just like a Basque, is very friendly. She was not doing well at first, and I had to bring her in and syringe feed her. She loves to ride around on my arm or shoulder now. Maybe food is the answer.

I Know I am lucky with these guys.

I really do think mine came from the pen with the nicer chickens in a different pen. I have had a mean Partridge Rock, so I know what you are talking about. My Barred rocks don't like me picking them up either.

Everything went fine Sat. being my first time processing chickens, I've never eaten any Basque before!! Wil be trying them in a few days...Didn't really want to do it, but needed the space and I only have two hens to now go with 4 roosters..You know what I mean?
Is anyone on here looking for a nice rooster? We've got two that are roughly 5 months old. Would hate to eat them if anyone has room for them. We have a third but he's only pet quality. Also, considering selling our Greenfire pair. Would prefer to sell to someone knowledgable and interested in the breed, rather than to locals on Craigslist. No interest from E. O. Forum or Buy/Sell/Trade section here.

"Twisted Rooster": would you be willing to help with our extra roosters if no one buys them? Are you near ATL?
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Is anyone on here looking for a nice rooster? We've got two that are roughly 5 months old. Would hate to eat them if anyone has room for them. We have a third but he's only pet quality. Also, considering selling our Greenfire pair. Would prefer to sell to someone knowledgable and interested in the breed, rather than to locals on Craigslist. No interest from E. O. Forum or Buy/Sell/Trade section here.
"Twisted Rooster": would you be willing to help with our extra roosters if no one buys them? Are you near ATL?

Maybe Young Heritage could help you?

Worth a shot at least...

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