Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

just checking in with some new photos, Eleanor and Baby are now 7 weeks old -- baby's comb is a tiny bit bigger than eleanor's, but no sign of any wattles -- still not 100% convinced of baby's gender, but seems likely a pullet:

pecking around together

similar, but perhaps helpful for comparing combs

baby in a stand-off with the isbar, who's looking very male... (pity, he's my only isbar)
Baby's coloring is of a cockerel. Eleanor is a millie colored pullet. Thanks for sharing your photos.
Baby's coloring is of a cockerel. Eleanor is a millie colored pullet. Thanks for sharing your photos.

yes, that's why Baby remains a mystery -- coloring is male, but isn't developing a male-looking comb or wattles or etc. that said, Baby WAS the smallest chick (by far) of the bunch, so maybe just slow-developing? s/he is 7 weeks old as of yesterday.
+3 Baby is a boy. The hackle flare is roo behavior and you can see the wattles coming... pullet wattles won't show like that til about 18 weeks.

funny, everyone here thought Baby was a girl a week ago! (see pages 206-7 of this forum) -- and i've got *several* girls, of various ages and breeds, who flare their hackles, all the time (the isbar's usual sparring partner is a cream legbar, who is 100% guaranteed girl). and i'm not sure what you mean by seeing wattles coming in? i don't see any sign of them, at least not that's any different from Eleanor...

happy to stay uncertain for now -- if she's a girl, she stays, if he's a boy, he goes -- but no need to decide that til it's clear. androgyny is so chic, after all!
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you see, Basque are based on the Wheaten "e" allele, wheaten chicks cant be sexed at hatch, if only they were based on the "eb"(Brown) allele like the Crele Penedesenca, or of they were based on the wildtype "e+" allele the cream legbar...
How about the effect of the barring gene dosage? Is there any chance a line could be developed where the males would be lighter on the wheaten base? I have found, like NP, that for the most part, the boys first wing feathers are whiter than the females'.

baby in a stand-off with the isbar, who's looking very male... (pity, he's my only isbar)
Yeah, I was completely sure Baby was a pullet, but now I'm going cockerel, too. It's always more difficult when you don't have a larger group with males and females of the same breed to compare them too. I think the Isbar developed earlier than the Basque, so it threw our comparisons off. I also had a late developing Basque cockerel. All of the boys had big pink combs while his was still small and yellow, so I was sure he was a she. That's why they say you never know for sure until they crow or lay an egg!
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