Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

Bigfoot is a handsome devil, to be sure!

~ Aspen
I think I'm naming him Bigfoot. Do the EO's normally have such giant feet? I don't know if his legs are truly yellow, it looks like they have a bit of green to them. But it just serves to give them a bit of neon radioactiveness.

Today was the day his comb started to pink up :)

alistar, love your young roos name "Bigfoot". He seems very gold in colour, can't wait to see what he looks like as he matures.
what could be better than a basque pullet? an extra basque pullet, that's what! gotten through an unexpected pullet mix-up, yesterday afternoon:

the new girl (left), who'll be called maggie, goes face to face with eleanor, who's most likely a sister or cousin (they came from the same breeder)

and perfect timing, after having sold Baby the cockerel on friday! so pleased to have two girls -- hopefully they'll become friends!
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what could be better than a basque pullet? an extra basque pullet, that's what! gotten through an unexpected pullet mix-up, yesterday afternoon:

the new girl (left), who'll be called maggie, goes face to face with eleanor, who's most likely a sister or cousin (they came from the same breeder)

and perfect timing, after having sold Baby the cockerel on friday! so pleased to have two girls -- hopefully they'll become friends!
That really is a great picture!!!
what could be better than a basque pullet?  an extra basque pullet, that's what!  gotten through an unexpected pullet mix-up, yesterday afternoon:

the new girl (left), who'll be called maggie, goes face to face with eleanor, who's most likely a sister or cousin (they came from the same breeder)

and perfect timing, after having sold Baby the cockerel on friday!  so pleased to have two girls -- hopefully they'll become friends!

Hey, wait a minute! I want an unexpected pullet mix up that lands a nice Basque pullet in my lap. How did you pull that off?

Actually, I did have an unexpected pullet mix up, but it resulted in the loss of a Basque, and the gain of an extra olive egger and a lumpy, non-standard wheaten Ameraucana. :rolleyes:

Nice photo and nice hens! I have one with that speckled look.
Hey, wait a minute! I want an unexpected pullet mix up that lands a nice Basque pullet in my lap. How did you pull that off?
Actually, I did have an unexpected pullet mix up, but it resulted in the loss of a Basque, and the gain of an extra olive egger and a lumpy, non-standard wheaten Ameraucana.

Nice photo and nice hens! I have one with that speckled look.

i had gotten what we thought was a cream legbar chick in the same batch as eleanor -- but as she's grown, she looked a bit different, and this weekend we decided that she's actually a CL/penedenesca cross, who should be a lovely olive-egger -- but the breeder, Deann, VERY generously offered me a replacement CL pullet of the same age, since i'd been hoping for blue eggs. but i thought introducing a lone bird into an established-ish flock might be tricky, so i bought the extra basque pullet as well, since she grew up with the replacement CL, to be her buddy through the process.

the two are currently inside an enclosure within the run of my big coop, so the bigger girls can't peck them -- they don't seem happy in such a confined space, so i'm hoping they will all settle down enough to let them out soon -- this is the welcome they got from the big girls:


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