Evaluate my girl? Dark Brahma Pullet


May 22, 2019
Hi guys! I really like my one "mystery chick" that I got from Murray's with my order of chicks. Now I know hatchery stock tends to be complete poop when it comes to SOP, but since I love my one DB girl so much, I'd really love to know what her weaknesses are so I can start fiddling! Now she is only a bit over 2 months (even though she's HUGE), so I'm not sure how much she's going to change.

I'm open to any education!

Also let me know if more pictures would help. I love taking pics of my girls, and will be glad to supply!
This explains so much. OY.
I totally didn't know lol. My other rooster had wattles, a bright red comb, AND started crowing at a little over a month. He also hates being touched, whereas this dude is a cuddlebug. I thought this was a really brash girl lol.

Someone smack me. I can't believe I didn't catch that. Oy VEY.
Well I guess I'll be watching out for any rooster fights now. Dangit. I wouldn't have got attached if I knew he was a roo!
Brahma comb type is very tough to tell sex at a young age. Hopefully all will get along.
Well I'm gonna have to change how I treat him sadly. I tolerate a bit more nip from my girls (or what I think are girls) than I do from my rooster. And he is gonna get big so... Better cut off that habit now.

Good to know about Brahmas and Combs. Thanks for the well wishes!

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