Even Keets are flighty, at least there kinda cute for now, Anyone tame a guinea?

I got some really flighty guineas from a friend, but constant handling and touching had them tame as chickens in half a year, even though they died of END shortly after that, but I'll never forget them.
How Much is shipping? WOuld you know for sure if a Pied was going to hatch or is just chance?
I really am not sure of shipping prices. That would depend on where I would be sending them and how many are being sent.
It would be just a chance since I do not separate for colors.. But I would give it a good chance. I have found pied birds in all of my 9 hatches so far this year.
I would think I will be getting eggs till October..
But I would think.. You would want to incubate earlier than that, so they could grow a little before winter sets in.
Wow! I can't believe your guinea let you pick them up like that!! I thought mine were pretty tame - they come when they see me looking for treats and they love to eat out of my hand, but they don't like when I touch them. That's great! Where are you planning on using them for your therapy program......local schools, hospitals, or nursing homes?
We started using ours for our son.. Brighton is autistic and non-verbal.
But now we do share them with the local schools and a few groups that have contacted us along the way.
We also have some doctors & vets that follow our work and help in the programs.
We hatch / train for therapy flocks.. With 6 recorded this year. But we are starting to close up for the season.
All of our attention will be turned to our chosen 5.
I am working on my 3rd year of training guineas as therapy birds. I have been finding once I had the first flock all the others have followed with not as much effort on my part. I am really excited about the keets I am working with this season. They were all hatched by the hens and have been the easiest to tame so far. For all the time I have spent this year they are months advanced. I truthfully feel that the keets can sense the fear from the older birds. With my birds none are fearful of me... I am just the strange flock member that is featherless...

Your guineas (at least the hens from your video) are wonderful!! They are no more aggravated by your intrusion than most chicken hens. I often read suggestions (about chickens) NOT to breed aggressive roosters...that sweet parents will produce sweet offspring. So do you think it's all social with your keets growing up calmer and more trusting...being brought up by calm, human-friendly adults, or do you think there's a genetic component??? I'm adding guineas next spring, and I HOPE you'll be selling/shipping eggs when that time comes!

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