Even more newbie questions about setting up my coop


8 Years
Jul 3, 2011
Thanks for tolerating all my newbie questions. We just love our four little chicks and want to get it right for them. We're building our coop on Saturday and I wanted to get feedback on a plan for the run and ask a question about bedding in the coop.

We're planning on laying hardwardware cloth under the run to prevent burrowing predators form getting into the run. There are times when the chickies will have to stay in the run most of the day and not have total range in the yard. After the hardware cloth we are going to lay dirt and sod. Then we are going to put chicken wire over the sod so the chickens don't totally destroy the sod but can still eat it. (Someone on this forum had that awesome suggestion!). I also want to have sand for them to dustbathe and get more grit. Any ideas where to put that?

Also, I will put pine shavings in the nest boxes but what should I put on the bottom of the coop? Sand? More Pine Shavings? Something else?

Thanks for your help!
Wow sounds like a 5 star chicken resort! THe sand should be in a big plastic container or in a wooden frame so it doesnt get every where. I use a shallow well plastic storage container and it works great!
The above poster answered one question, and I think I can help you out on the others.

If you have the wire over the sod - I would see how that goes, they might tear up their feet when they scratch. I've never done it, however, so it might work great!

But grit could just go in a little bowl like you would offer oyster shells, or you could put it out with them if you free range them at all, even for half an hour. Or you could just sprinkle it in their run and let them try to eat it through the wire without scratching.

And in the bottom of the coop, it's really up to you. Do you have wood flooring or tile? Take that into account when you choose your bedding. If it's going to be easy to clean up, use whatever you like. If it'd be easier to go the poop-n-scoop option, use sand and just kitty-scoop daily. Whatever you use, lay in some food-grade diatomaceous earth, is my recommendation. It keeps the bugs out and won't hurt your ladies.

Edited to say: Good luck with your chickies! You've got plenty of space for chicken math, it sounds like!
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Thanks! I think the sand and kitty scoop sounds great for the bottom of the coop. Super easy to clean very morning. Do I use regular all-purpose sand?

Thanks too for the answer to the where to put a dustbath area in. What about a kitty box with n inch or two of sand in it in a corner? Would that work.
If you search the forums with the keyword "sand" you should get some helpful posts! I know I've seen at least a few about what sort of sand to use. I think someone used builder-grade sand just fine.

And the kitty-box idea is great for 4 chickens!
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all your help. I'll try to post a pic of the coop when it's done.

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