Everyone! What else can you give to your chickens to drink?

Nah, real chickens drink from the can!
George is an Orpington. He now lives with a lady that doesn't drink so I think he's leading Bible Study or something.
ok your killing me

Of course I drank after the chicken! Want me to waste a beer? hahaha There's people that drink after their dogs and we all know where that mouth has been. They don't all get treated like pets but that buff is one of my original birds and a favorite. Course the rooster wasn't ever coddled but we all want our roosters to be nice guys, and George is for sure a nice guy. He watched the buff drinking beer and decided he wanted a taste one day so I let him. After that, a beer can and a Come Here George, and here he'd come.
Im going to try this tonight, I got a beer bottle with my chickens name on it LOL
My chickens just get the coffee grounds. The poor things.

I gave mine watered down Gatorade on the hottest day. It seemed to help a little. They didn't drink and throw up as much.

I don't think I'd give bottled water to the chickens either.

In an emergencie you can feed anything wet to keep them going but long term they need water.
I have a question, y'all: when it gets SUPER hot, I mix up electrolytes my girls (in ADDITION to having free-choice water at all times...electrolytes are placed in an additional drinker).  I tend to run out...and I was wondering if Pedialyte (like you give to infants/toddlers) would be OK (as long as they are not, say, orange/lemon/lime)?  I have some left over from when my son was younger, and they are getting ready to go (expiration date-wise)...plus this saves me a trip into the feed store when I run out of sav-a-chick...  I've had a vet ok its use for a DOG...

Back to the topic, I've known of people here that give them gatorade like What did I do mentioned above. And reports that they seem to like the berry flavors best. No, I'm not kidding. After all, it has the electrolytes, etc.
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During the dead of winter when the land is covered with snow and my birds aren't getting much natural forage, I'll fill my water buckets with steaming hot h2o in the house and a handful of alfalfa or good hay and let it soak for 5-10mins, making a sort of tea, and then filling my waterers with the strained mixture while it's still warm. My birds love it and helps keep 'em warm on the coldest days.
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I bought a bottle of the "Chick Starter" from Tractor supply. Its what you give baby chicks to help them recover from shipping or transport home. It has electrolites and other stuff in it for them. I use it when its really hot and/or humid. The bottle is about $6 and it makes about 25 gallons. It comes with a scoop - 1 scoop per gallon.
I also make a tea of sorts for my girls using alfafa pellets. I soak them first in lots of water, then when there just about soft I take the pellets out and add them to a bowl full of yougert or goats milk. my chickens go nuts for it and Im getting a lot of eggs lol. they drink the alfalfa tea, and eat the pellets with the mixture. oh and we shared a beer the other night, I put it in a dog dish and they went nuts, one of my birds would not stop drinking it, so I had to pull her back, every time I let her loose she ran for that dish. crazy broad lol. her water dish and the tea was right there, she prefered the beer 2 to one

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