Everything seems off in the coop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
My chickens just turned a year old at the end of March. I live in NE Ohio and ever since the time change, things have been unsettled in the coop. I'm not sure what's going on or if this is normal. Egg production has dropped to half of what it was all winter. I have only had 2 out of 11 go broody so far. (we don't have a rooster) The girls are fighting and pecking each other more than ever. I have one hen laying eggs with no shell or a soft shell or sometimes the yolk and white comes out and the soft, crumpled shell comes out separately. There are quite a few feathers in the coop and yard and some of the hens are getting small bare spots, but I'm not sure if this is a molt. I think it's too soon. I have spent hours searching the internet and can't figure out what's going on, so I'm not sure what I need to do to set things right again. I feed them layer feed and they have oyster shells available. They have plenty of water. I just can't figure this out. Maybe I have too many? I have 11 in a 4 x 8 coop with 3 nest boxes and an attached 8 x 15 outdoor run. There's 16' of roost space. They made it through the harsh winter fine and now it seems like they want to kill each other and not lay eggs. I used supplemental light in the winter, but only for a couple of hours so that I could tend to them after work. I wonder if that would cause an early/light molt? I'm at a loss. If anyone has any advice for me, I sure do need it!
My chickens just turned a year old at the end of March. I live in NE Ohio and ever since the time change, things have been unsettled in the coop. I'm not sure what's going on or if this is normal. Egg production has dropped to half of what it was all winter. I have only had 2 out of 11 go broody so far. (we don't have a rooster) The girls are fighting and pecking each other more than ever. I have one hen laying eggs with no shell or a soft shell or sometimes the yolk and white comes out and the soft, crumpled shell comes out separately. There are quite a few feathers in the coop and yard and some of the hens are getting small bare spots, but I'm not sure if this is a molt. I think it's too soon. I have spent hours searching the internet and can't figure out what's going on, so I'm not sure what I need to do to set things right again. I feed them layer feed and they have oyster shells available. They have plenty of water. I just can't figure this out. Maybe I have too many? I have 11 in a 4 x 8 coop with 3 nest boxes and an attached 8 x 15 outdoor run. There's 16' of roost space. They made it through the harsh winter fine and now it seems like they want to kill each other and not lay eggs. I used supplemental light in the winter, but only for a couple of hours so that I could tend to them after work. I wonder if that would cause an early/light molt? I'm at a loss. If anyone has any advice for me, I sure do need it!

thats only 32sq coop which is a little small for eleven hens. I would only put 6-8 hens in a coop that size if not less. Rule of thumb is 4sq per bird. They might be bored. Try giving them some more space and a few more nest boxes. Also could try adding in a rooster, they may take a dominant role and keep your hens in line for you, I'm sure they'll fight it out for the first little while but all should fall into place soon enough.
You need either fewer hens or more space! I've got about five sq. ft. per bird in my coop, and many are bantams, and sometimes it's cozy in there. More space!!! Some breeds and individuals are more aggressive than others too, and that will be even more of a problem when they are crowded. Their diet needs to be balanced; layer or grower feed, with oyster shell on the side. Mary

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