Evicted! Finally!

Four Acre Bliss

11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
My girls (hatched Feb. 13) spent their first night in their new coop last night ... I'm half afraid to go out and check on them this morning! I hope they're all okay! I do see little feet running around through the vent on the side of the coop ... going to have a cup of coffee and go see my girls.

Let me tell you I am doing the happy dance over here, though ... no more dust! No more stink! I love my chicks, but I will never brood chicks in the house in winter again. That was a long nine weeks.
9 weeks? Oh my! Mine have been out in their coop all week and they are just 5 weeks. It gets pretty cold here at night in the 20's but it is snug in their coop with their heating lamp. I have it hung low. They are doing great and love the extra space. They just love running around playing "catch me, I think I have a worm"! ...I have empty nest syndrome though.
I have no idea how you guys put up with all the dust and stink...mine go out to the coop as soon as they fluff from the incubator! Nights are still below freezing here and they do fine with heat lamp
Mine were evicted yesterday too! Whoopeee! I only made it three weeks and if we had had the outside ready for them they would have left last week. We tried to let them out last week but forgetting that we had banties for the first time they slipped right through the puppy fencing that we have set up as a grow up pen. So funny! So, I had to zip tie chicken wire all the way around the bottom half of that pen. Well worth it! Go check on them. I'll bet they are fine.
ours are going out next weekend. it's starting to warm up here at night ( other than last night when it got down to 37) normally only around 45-50. we sectioned a space for the little ones to have in the coop (separated from the older girls) for a little while. they are nearly fully feathered and I am kind of ready for them to get out there. I am sick of the dust, and the stink, but I will miss them in the house. being able to watch them play and run around the brooder, is fun....but getting to watch them in the coop with be good too. but we are already planning our next batch of chicks (we'll have to order of course) but know the things that we want to do and don't want to do again.
We spent so much time on our coop, which is almost done. I can't wait until they go out, I want to see them running around out there!

As a side note: I am soooo happy. My husband told me yesterday that our neighbors used to have chickens, and if we have extra "meat" birds, they would buy them. Not sure if I'm into that, but at least I know they are supportive. (We live in a town that allows chickens) All the other neighbors are supportive, also. Maybe they don't care because of the free eggs they're expecting (poor economy & job losses)

Enjoy your chickens! They'll be fine outside, especially since you put up more chicken wire for protection while they're little!
I have one bunch who are ready to go outside, but the weather has been nasty past two weeks. We are finally having a warm day with no rain, snow, sleet, freak thunder storms, and hail
They are in a room our basement which is already dusty so we don't notice it. They haven't smelled either.

Their chicken house is almost done, we haven't been able to finish what needs to be done because of the weather either. The younger bunch are going out with the older bunch in the house, in a special brooder there.

I'll be posting pics on what a mess this old bird house was. It also had a very stubborn ground hog living it. We battled with that booger for a couple weeks trying to evict him. Finally he got the message...

Anyway, My DH asked what I wanted for my Birthday on the 20th, and I said finish the chicken house please

I'm getting ready to send ours outside full time, too. They've loved being outside on the days it's been nice enough, so I know they'll be fine, but I am going to miss having them in here to play with whenever we want.
I love my babies but I can't WAIT until they go out into the coop. They'll be happier and I'll be happier. And my husband will certainly be happier and maybe I won't need a new one!

I probably have two weeks to go to finish renovating the shed into a coop and putting up the fencing. It's going to be a very long two weeks.
I guess yesterday was moving day for a lot of us.
mine also went out after 8 weeks ,
I was cleaning the bathroom for 3 hours dust and more dust. but no stink maybe because I had sprinkled a little permectrin powder into their wood shavings.
But still glad to get them out.
even tho DH has learn to be a chicken tender...LOL
always did the A.m. shift.

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