Eww. I just ate something nasty.


Ranger Rick
12 Years
Oct 27, 2007
Southwest Mississippi
It was an accident, obviously. I bought a parfait from the grocery store for lunch and it was moldy. I didn't notice until I'd already taken a bite. (Just a small bite.)

There wasn't any mold on the part that I ate, but it tasted "off" you know. You can tell when something is beyond its useful life, right. LOL

So, I tasted the white stuff on tip, then I could see down in it where that was green mold growing in the cracks. Once I started to examine it, I could see there was a LOT of green mold on it. You really couldn't tell through the packaging.

It tasted really nasty. And now I'm all queased out just thinking about it.

There was no expiration date on the thing, either.

I'm going to take it back when I get off work today. It's not likely to kill me, is it?

I doubt it will do anything to you. If you got enough ingested you may end up sick. I just don't know for sure though.

I do want to say: EWWWWW!

About 20 years ago I was eating my favorite candy (I won't tell what it was) and, after having taken a bite I felt something weird in my mouth and it tasted 'off'. I looked down at the part that was left and saw worms crawling in it and worm skins on it! Gag!!! It was so awful that I got physically sick from thinking about it for months and I didn't eat another one of those candys for about 15 years after that.

I wrote the company that made the candy and they sent me a very nice apologetic letter with free coupons to buy more of that candy. I never used the coupons because I just couldn't even think about it without feeling sick.
WisconsinChick asked:
Oh c'mon, chirpy! what was it!? big_smile

Think peanut butter and chocolate... that's all I'm going to say.

I ate a piece of Salami recently at work that was "off". Eww, we were sampling the meat to be sure it was still good...needless to say, it went into the trash. I am not likely to taste test the Salami again, I make someone else do it. And, if people do not date it when they take it out of the freezer, out it goes!
Think peanut butter and chocolate... that's all I'm going to say.

Was it REESES PEANUT BUTTER CUPS!?!? Maybe it was the stores fault for selling them beyond the expiration date.

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