Eww Skunk! (ok.. so it's a baby but still).. Help! =)

Woot! Got it! It went for the cat food. Something went for the trap that had the chicken food, but I think it may have been something smaller like a mouse as it didn't trip the trap. Maybe I'll set that one again tonight. The trap that caught the little skunk was IN the coop and I found out where he had been living - it was INSIDE a board! Found a hole in a giant board that I hadn't seen before, so that's getting filled. I don't think he even managed to leave the coop last night but went for cat food.

Now to call around and see if I can find someone to 'handle' him. I covered the cage with a towel and stuck it in the barn. No spraying. maybe he's too young?
Good for you!! I was going to say if you take away all the food he's been eating, he might look for something else, chickens maybe? I don't think he sprayed because he doesn't feel threatened - still,, look out!
Another thing to try for next time is marshmallows. My husband tried that with some problem skunks we had and he said it really works!! Glad you caught the little bugger:D
We set up a trap each weeked to catch predators. We use canned cat food. Caught our first skunk on Saturday night. Little bittey skunk. Unfortunately, we couldn't figure out how to release him without releasing his stinker.....Oh well, he was asleep, so we were careful not to wake the little guy. Poor thing woke up to skunk glory with skunk angels singing to him. He released his stinker when he left this world, but it was quick. Too bad, he was a cutie. We've never had a problem with skunks so we were surprised we caught him. We have a conservation center 7 miles out, so if any predator we catch is docile they go there. Just couldn't figure out how to transport this little one......

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