Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses and income from chickens

Might be a challenge if you're not Excel competent, but I think the easiest thing would be to add an extra sheet. Run the date down column 1. Use columns 2, 3 & 4 for S, M & L eggs. Use column 5 to total them for that date. Then go back to the main sheet and point the total for the date to that date in your new sheet. Using an additional sheet will do the least damage to the main spreadsheet if something goes wrong, just my opinion of course. :)

If you don't care about color, change the color headings to sizes. That's easiest. Adding a column will break several links. You can, however, add a sheet without damage.
I've been using the chicken tracker for 8 years. I first got my chickens in 2010 so was thankful for such a useful tracking tool. Well, my year end stats for 2018: 40-50 chickens throughout the year laid 11,252 (most I've ever had!), average eggs per day 31, average productivity 74%, cost per egg .15 cents. My gals and I worked hard this past year. I'm trying to reduce my flock to 35 this year but not sure if I can ;)
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