Exchequer leghorns


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 7, 2012
Looking to buy some exchequer leghorns for 2014. Need a rooster and some hens. Anyone out there selling live chicks or hatching eggs and can ship? Or if located in Ohio, I can pickup. Please let me know as soon as possible as they appear to sell quickly. Thanks!
I don't have fertile eggs now but I should closer to spring. I will have either my reg EX roo over some Ex crosses (you would get exchequers, blue exchequers or whites) OR my EX roo over my reg Ex pullets and a Blue Ex Pullet. I may also have my Blue Ex roo over the crosses.....not sure what pens I will have set up yet..... I know I am going to add the Blue Ex roo to the crosses in a few days or a week. Sorry I don't have any pics of my current Ex roo.

These girls should start laying soon.

He was cold.....

Thats awesome! Thanks, Donna! Spring would be fine. Do you only ship eggs or do you ship live chicks as well? I am definitely interested in either. Could you also advise what normal charges would be?
(you can private message if you'd like). Thanks again, I appreciate it!
Trying to follow what you have going on.
You crossed Exchequers with Whites. So the offspring are White split for Exchequer? Now youre covering them with a Exchequer roo so you will get Exchequer and whites split for Exchequer?
Where did the blue come from?
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Trying to follow what you have going on.
You crossed Exchequers with Whites. So the offspring are White split for Exchequer? Now youre covering them with a Exchequer roo so you will get Exchequer and whites split for Exchequer?
Where did the blue come from?

White can hide a lot of things...... even blue. One of my hens is blue under that Dominate white.... actually I have 2 that are blue under that white. From what I have read from the genetics people most WL are really EX colored under the dom white. I made the cross to improve egg production and size.
I wanted to update you.... I am going to set up a new pen in a few weeks. I will have 2 reg Exchequer pullets 1 Blue Exchequer and 2 Crosses (WL/Ex) covered by either the Exchequer Roo or my Blue Exchequer Roo. They should start laying anyday. I should have some by the first of April I would think.

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