Excited, Day 20, I heard little chirps!


9 Years
Dec 24, 2010
I found out my bad experience was due to a not so great incubator. And also a mistake on my end.
Some people call LG's 'eggs killers' and some swear by them. I personally really like these Farm Innovators.
Traded in my LG after two rounds and three different breeders sent eggs and not one live chick from it.

Tonight I'm thrilled, Out of 40 BCM eggs 25 to 30 were kept after 2 sep candlings and last night and all day today I started to hear little chirps on and off, tomorrow is day 21 so should start seeing some pipping at any minute.
Just so excited!!!
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That is so exciting!!! We did our first hatch about a week ago and those little peeps are just amazing. They are so loud!! Good luck to you!
Oooh!! Exciting!

Keep us posted. We all love hearing about successful hatches.

And ESPECIALLY love seeing pictures.
Good Morning all, ok so far three sweet little chicks and as far as I can see two others starting to pip.
Very exciting!
8 babies so far, one smaller than the others and weaker, looked like a little of the yoke sack came off.
Other 7 doing great. Three others pipping, a few seem to be sleeping in for a while longer.

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