Expat with Chickens in Melbourne Australia!


In the Brooder
Nov 3, 2015
Hey all!
I'm an American (originally from Maine) living in Melbourne Australia at the moment with my husband and 6 month old daughter :) We aren't here permanently but we are for the next year or so and have an awesome landlord (we live in a bungalow out the back of her house) who lets us do whatever we want in her huge back yard. I've been studying a type of wild gardening and landscaping and have been using her yard as my first big project and it's going really well! We've got vegetables and herbs and fruit growing up all over the place!

Over this past weekend I finally got my chickens. We built a very ghetto but very safe and secure coop from pallets and other recycled materials we found around the yard. When I say we built I mean my husband built it while I told him what I wanted to do haha, I found out quickly construction is NOT my calling. Our 7 girls (1 RIR, 1 Austrolorp, 2 ISA Browns, 1 Black Copper Maran and 2 that I don't know but they're beautiful) have a big square of yard that is fenced off at the moment because we are trying to train our three dogs to "play nice".

My daughter LOVES the chickens. Oh my goodness. Well, she just loves watching animals in general but I love watching her watch them. I have a table right outside the fence line so we can have food and tea or whatever outside and just watch them. Chickens are like fire, you can just sit and watch them for hours even though it's just the same thing going on haha. I like to think of them as my replacement fire pit since we can't do that here in Australian suburbs because of fire hazards.

Well I guess that's about it! This website was a HUGE help while I was putting my coop, yard and flock together so thank you all so much and I look forward to swapping stories and wisdom with you all along this wonderful feathered journey!

Hello @Kmack and

We call watching our chickens "Chicken TV" and it can certainly maintain my interest for hours! Watching them do their thing has a very calming effect!

You've certainly come to the right place for gaining knowledge about chickens and all things chicken-related. I'm fairly new to the chicken game myself, but I've learned almost all I know from members of this community. Hope you get as much joy as I do both from your chickens and your membership in this community!
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Hope you enjoy your stay in Australia - we have a large Aussie community on BYC, as well as a thread "Australia, six states and one funny little Island." Who knows you may find other chickeners in your area.
Thanks for the tip drumstick diva! I'll check that out. I am so new to this and stupidly didn't think to do research on assessing healthy chickens and just had a chicken I bought two days ago pass away on me this morning
. Poor thing.... I think it could be nice to find chickens from people that are hopefully more honest and treat their chickens a bit better.

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