Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Thanks for re-creating this thread! I never posted on the old one, but was looking for it the other day and couldn't find it.
I am expecting #2 Jan 28. #1 (14 months) was also an clomid/IUI baby, Livinzoo, so we were pleasantly surprised when this one happened the old fasioned way.
Thanks for starting a new thread Lz!

What happend to the other one?

I'm not with you gals yet..but i'm doing another IVF cycle in mid-october...
So... we will see what happens this time around....

I'll be keeping my eye on this thread and everyones progress!
redhen, I am so pulling for you and sending baby vibes your way. I know you;ve already mothered lots of children, and I really would like for you to have the experience of having your ribs pushed out from the inside.

Keep us posted on your IVF. My cousin's wife did IVF 6-7 times I think. Al the while they tried for adoptions, got two babies, two disruptions. FINALLY they brought home their adorable baby girl. Next week found out they were pregnant with twins. THey now have three girls within 7 months of each other. THey got the parenting thing head on. I know it's a horrible long road but I truly hope someday you are looking at it from the other side, encouraging others.
littlefarm_bighappy Last week Oct (dates are guesses)
Birdgirl Nov 17
Southernbelle - November 28
Livinzoo December 28
Mandalina Jan 1st
JJchiknshak Jan 3rd
Noble Rooster Jan 8
BlueRoseMama Feb

Welcome Julie
Sounds like we've had similar experiences. I didn't go blind and I don't know what HELLP syndrome is, but I ended up with a placental abruption and stillbirth at 5 months. I now most decidedly do NOT trust Army doctors. I bled for four months on/off followed by a month solid of heavy bleeding, culminating with needing to receiving a blood transfusion to admit there was a problem. This after having gone to the ER weekly/biweekly for the previous four months for the bleeding and following up with walkin appointments every time. After the transfusion they just said, 'well, you already have a 20 week appointment at the specialist because of your abnormal test three months ago and you scheduled it two weeks early, so just go to that. They'll see if there's anything wrong.'
The appointment was a bit over a week out.

Oh, buddy. Either I had a DRASTIC change in that one week (where I was actually bleeding a bit less) or they somehow missed the fact that I was 75% abrupted, (they actually told me the placenta was fine at the appointment) and failed to mention that the blood clot that was causing all the issues was bigger than my little boy (something they could NOT have missed). Two weeks after I went in for another follow up and they couldn't find a heart beat. Not really a suprise at that point but I was hoping. I mean, this was a tough kid to have hung on for all that.

It's seven months later and I'm pregnant again (all of 4ish weeks). I'm going through the process to go back to the Good Hospital. One thing I'm still trying to figure out though is when to tell my family... The Army and most of my coworkers already know (no real point not to tell them as they would have noticed me going to all the pregnancy programs again) but what about the rest of my family? My hubby knows but I haven't told anyone else and am debating when to tell them.

*edit for mis-type
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I have recently joined this club of expecting (and hopefully will be here for 8 more months!) But I am still in that oh crap, really? phase. I got my IUD removed the 1st week in August and although I was told I should wait a few months to let my uterine lining build back up.......I am now about 5 or 6 weeks along. oops. I guess my OB thought I was a little more informed about fertility. So, even though I attempted to wait, it didn't work out that way..

so...spring chicken...be careful if you aren't looking to get pregnant right away! I was planning a few months from now, but oh well..now is a good a time as any. With any luck I will give birth before my birthday. My EDD is 5/11/11, but I don't think that is quite right.

I go to my 1st appt next wednesday and can't wait. Come on next wed!

I have to say though...I felt like a jerk yesterday when I told everyone at work. There is a lady I work with that really wants to have a kid (she is 40 yrs old) and they are having a super hard time. Then here I come along, not even trying. Turns out her man is shooting blanks..she found out yesterday about 2 hours after I told everyone that that was the case. Poor girl. I still feel bad.

I just hope that the baby survives, I worry about miscarrying. I've not been pregnant before so I have been trying to relax and not do any real crazy exercising.

Including my favorite sport...horseback riding
my poor horse is gonna miss me. I wish she had a relationship, like she does with me, with someone else so they could take over riding her. She is crazy though and I can't chance it ( and most other people won't chance getting on her not pregnant) . I may sit on her back for a little bit today and walk around. But no jumping or cantering for me. She is gonna be quite the handful next year when I can get back to business. I need to find something to replace my riding so I can still be active, as tired as I am.

I wonder if there is a pregnant aerobics class or something like that. Will have to check that out, bet my OB has some ideas. I am really ready to see her with my book of questions

I wish everyone here good luck! Anyone on here expecting with a bulged lumbar disc? This concerns me...hurts now, what happens in the 3rd trimester when I am huge?
Thanks for the advice RCentner!

I learned from my first pregnancy that I need to make sure I am READY when I stop BC - we were planning on waiting a few months, but it definitely didn't happen that way. I'm just happy that I had so little trouble the first time, and hope that I won't have too much trouble this time either, although I'm worried because it is over 5 years later.

I ride horses too, so I missed it a lot during my first pregnancy, although I rode until I was about 7 months because I had a very safe, sane horse to ride and needed to ride for some of the classes which I taught. My daughter does most of the riding now, and between her and school, I don't have time to ride much anymore. I'm just glad my mare is very sane and easy to ride.

Good luck to everyone else expecting soon!
I don't know if Walgreens everywhere is doing this but they are currently running a special. Can't remember the brand though. Gold and green box, buy one get one free. They're about $11 each.

Edit because I added at about 5 am and mixed up a few things.
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An update on me: Went to the midwife today. Had another ultrasound to see if the placenta has moved off the cervix. It has, but only my 7 mm. So I will have another ultrasound in 4 weeks. It has to be at least 2cm away from the cervix to have a natural birth.

Baby is growing good. They estimated her at 2 lbs 5 oz. I am 27 weeks and 1 day but she is measuring 27 weeks 3 days.

So how is everyone else?

Redhen- I hope to see you in this thread soon. I know how hard what I went through was, and what you have gone through has been so much harder. You are a strong woman.I sincerely hope you get to experience this soon.
Hi guys! I'm not preggo anymore (Wyatt will be 2 months tomorrow!), but I'm joining anyways b/c I've missed all of you since the other thread got closed!
I'm on the progesterone pill right now and hoping I don't screw it up...I did depo for 9 years b/c I'm not good at remembering to take pills.
I'm already thinking about trying again around April/May so I can be fat in the winter this time instead of the summer here in FL! I don't know if hubby will be on the same page though.

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