Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

I would steal him if I could, he is just perfect
I was hoping for a boy, but just knew that it was a girl. Hubby said I couldn't know. LOL He was surprised at the anatomy scan that I was right.

Went for my scan of my placenta yesterday. It has moved!!! It was over 2 cm away from the cervix so now I'm cleared for a natural delivery. I'm in shock. Here I was preparing for a section and now I get to go back to plan A. The tech was surprised at how long my placenta is. It basically goes up the center of my belly from my cervix to the top of my uterus right under my rib cage.

I'm hoping to not go over her due date by much. I really want her born this year She is due Dec. 28.
Sooo glad your placenta moved!!

I'm telling ya... Dec.25th... thats when shes gonna come.
went for my ultrasound today and found out I was right....boy it is! Was cool, the 3-D photos are super cool. Amazing what you can see on those ultrasounds. I wouldn't expect to see all 4 chambers of the heart on something that small.

kelsey - you are having your ultrasound soon too right?
OOOH! Congrats! We have our appointment to sex the baby on the 21st, but I have a Big family Christmas Brunch on the 19th, and I really want to announce the sex at the party, so I made an appointment for a 3D ultrasound this Saturday. We are super excited, we are bringing my mom and Best friend with us, so they are super excited too.

If you get a chance will you post some of your pics? I've been googling 19 week 3D ultrasound pics all day, because I read that early on they are not as good, because the baby doesn't have any fat yet. But I'm still super excited!
It amazes me that the technology advances so quick! My daughters are 7 and 9 and I would've loved to seen them in 3D!


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