Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

That's awesome news!! I have the blood test done on my next appointment.. I hope mine turns out that good.
Ms.FuzzyButts :

That's awesome news!! I have the blood test done on my next appointment.. I hope mine turns out that good.

It has the genetic factor and then the age one...the age one I am 1 in 669 or something (I'm 30 years old) so that's another factor but I'm pretty much relieved! The worst part was the waiting for a week to get the results!​
Just wanted to say the DD had her baby boy on February 27. He is healthy and DD is back to being her active self. She had the pregnancy from he!!, what with nonstop nausea and migrains. She couldn't keep much of anything down most of the time. As soon as that baby was born she started to feel better. She is herself again and I couldn't be more thrilled.
My grandson is as cute as can be and so alert. I feel so lucky to live so close and be able to babysit.
That's awesome news!! I have the blood test done on my next appointment.. I hope mine turns out that good.

It has the genetic factor and then the age one...the age one I am 1 in 669 or something (I'm 30 years old) so that's another factor but I'm pretty much relieved! The worst part was the waiting for a week to get the results!

See, that's what is flipping me out a little... I'm 36 and on my first appointment the doc whipped out a little card and pointed to my age that said I had a 1 in 250 chance.
So I am hoping my test comes out way better than the initial numbers...
I have to use a LOT of self control in order to not run over there all the time and make a pest of myself!!!
She lives only about 3 blocks away. On the other hand I am here or ready to drop anything and run over to her place, if she needs me.
When DH and I had our DD we were very much alone. We had a few friends who helped out once in a while, but it got pretty stressful and overwhelming at times. Especially during the first few weeks. We didn't want DD to go through, what we did.
Of course, we were the ones who moved 3000 miles away from our families.

a pic of the grandson

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How exciting!
I will be thinking about you during my appointment - ending yours as I'm beginning mine

And I hope it goes by quickly for me too, this morning sickness thing keeps getting worse. Today is certainly making up for the good day I had with it yesterday
anyone watch that show on lifetime last night? "One born every minute"? I couldn't stand to, as I am terrified to give birth. My DH was surprised that I absolutley refused to watch it, he thought I would make him watch it. It did bring up the labor conversation for us and atleast he is now aware of my plan and the steps that lead up to actually being in labor. But no way could I watch that show. I told my DH it would make me cry (mostly out of fear), he says it'll be fine and wondered if I would be cursing him during labor like they show on TV.
I just hope that the nurses and doctors dont mind vulgarities, but I don't see cursing anyone.
Don't worry -- I'm sure they've heard alot of things! And if it makes you feel better, I didn't even think of cursing my hubby while in labor. I had no meds so I was feelin' it all both times and I still didn't curse him. I just wanted him to not leave my side (literally, had to be right beside me) when getting close to the end. And with my first one, I wanted ice chips, but a very certain tiny amount at a time. I look back at that now and giggle because it was such a specific tiny amount. With my second, I was okay as long as he or the nurse was holding my hand during the active stage. Good luck to you. And, remember, the doctors and nurses have heard it all!

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