Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

momma's chickens :

I just found this thread, how cool! I am due August 22nd with baby #4. YEAH!

I'm due August 23rd!
baby #1 (girl!)​
Ok, I've been gone for a few days (nasty stomach flu), but I'm back and stalking like always.
Here I go with catching up...

Kelsey -
to your stupid "friend" and what she thinks she knows. If you were truly selfish you would have not wanted the c-section b/c you would mess up your figure or some such nonsense and would have truly risked Luke's life. Some people are really not intelligent.
That's all I'm going to say about that.

As for nipple confusion I gave Wyatt his first bottle (pumped milk) at 1 week old so I could get some sleep. He went back and forth between me and the various bottled I tried (b/c I didn't like them, not b/c he didn't
) without even noticing. As long as there was SOMETHING to suck on he didn't care in the least.

Mrs. Turbo - That baby isn't sleeping through the night yet?! <runs off to say a quick thank you prayer that Wyatt sleeps all night>
Ms.FuzzyButts :

Ok Debi, you have twisted my arm, I subscribed.
I spent way too much time over there earlier today. I like her outlook!

She is great gal. I have had the opportunity to meet her and I really enjoy that blog. Blake is just too adorable for words too.​
first one out of 5 that doesn't.....

all my kids except #4 would go from bottle to breast without a problem and the last one was tube and bottle fed the first month. I think it just depends on the baby and what they will adjust to. I couldn't be away from baby #4 more than 3-4 hours because he wouldn't take a bottle and we also had a hard time with the sippy cup. He is still a mamas boy.

Congrats to the new mommies!
I understand the shortness of breath and I am only 26 weeks. The are times when I working outside and/or walking uphill there are times when I can't catch my breath.
That is awesome, Woo-Hoo!!! Looking forward to seeing how much he weighed, how long and seeing pics, if you put them on here. Hang on Momma, you are almost there!!!

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