Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Suzette5, thank you so much for answering my question. I haven't had much opportunity to speak to my daughter ( What IS it these days with kids always texting and never wanting to actually TALK? I HATE texting, sheesh) But I did pass on some of the advice. I'll get to spend time with her this weekend, and will see how everything is going. She did send me a picture of the baby ( I tell her I need my daily cuteness fix) and she looks like she is gaining weight, so all must be going well.
Although now she is feeling the baby blues- she said she cries sometimes for no reason. I remember doing the same with her - but she literally never slept more than 15 minutes, so my crying was lack of sleep.
Ah, a grandparent worries twice -- once for her child and once for her grandchild!
Went to my 28 week appt today and had to do that nasty glucose test. While I was waiting for the hour to be up, I seen the ultrasound tech and asked if he would peek at the baby parts again since I have had two ultrasounds and the baby wouldn't show the goods. He said he would and at first the baby wasn't cooperating but then he got a very clear shot and it is a GIRL!
momma's chickens :

Went to my 28 week appt today and had to do that nasty glucose test. While I was waiting for the hour to be up, I seen the ultrasound tech and asked if he would peek at the baby parts again since I have had two ultrasounds and the baby wouldn't show the goods. He said he would and at first the baby wasn't cooperating but then he got a very clear shot and it is a GIRL!

Congrats on your girl!!!!

Im jealous- cooking baby boy #5 here!!!

LilBizzy- Youre very welcome and I hope your DD beats the baby blues soon. I think its a bit normal to feel sad or have ups and downs after giving birth- between adjusting to not being pregnant anymore, having a newborn and ALL that entails, plus the HUGE cocktail of hormones (both the exiting of pregnancy hormones, and the new, incoming ones from breastfeeding) I think its dang near impossible NOT to feel out of control of our emotions for a little while.

Keep us posted and feel free to ad pics if ya want!!​

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