Expected losses and should I separate a flock?


6 Years
Aug 16, 2013
Ordered 30 chicks online and they shipped 33 just in case.

All of them made it. However, lost 2 within a few days. The first one was found wedged behind the shipping container and was barely responsive with pasty butt. She lasted a few hours after I found her, cleaned her up and got some water in her. Then we had another one that was just found dead. Both of the dead ones were Silky Banties

We ordered 10 light brahmas, 10 easter eggers and 10 of the banties and had them all together. Due to the recent events I am thinking of separating the little ones out into another container.
Loss of chicks is inevitable. Some just aren’t strong enough to make it, especially the little bantams. And only two out of 33 is great. Death rates are normally much higher than that so I would say no need to worry about separating them unless they continue to die off or if they show signs of disease.
That's good to hear. I still think that the container is a little small and was going to get a kiddie pool for them. I was going to move them to the unheated garage with a heat lamp as well before they go to the coop and run, but will wait until they are about 4 weeks.

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