Expected Temp Spike?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Hi! It's been a long time since I've posted on here, and probably just as long since I hatched any eggs. I'm on day 5 of incubation. I think I remember reading a long time ago about the eggs naturally producing their own temperature spike on one of the later days??? Did I dream this? I can't remember if this really happens, or if I need to do anything? I can't seem to find any info about it now. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated!

Also, we are hatching these as a cooperative homeschool project. I was also wondering if there would be any detrimental effects to candling on day 6 instead of 7? Six and a half, really. Purely for convenience sake, so that the kids involved to be able to see the process...Thoughts?
The incubation 101 on here is very helpful. It does mention that 10/13 day old chicks put off heat. The temperature in my eggs spiked on day 6. I watched it for 24 hours, and now on day seven I turned down the temp (it had gone up to about 100.4 so they really weren't in danger). I'm just a novice, so read this article..... https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/hatching-eggs-101 . It has a follow-up/update thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/704328/diary-notes-air-cell-detatched-shipped-eggs . You'll find good help there.
Though it is not preferred, I candled earliest on day 3 (but you can probably candle earlier if your super duper careful). I used to candle my eggs every day, but I stopped doing it because I didn't want to hurt the embryo.
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