experiment with bedding

I have no reason to believe so. They seem to have lost interest in the scratching thing already. I guess it was because it was new. There is still no dust, no matter how I try to raise some. I think this would be good for those who have asthma or allergies. Not to mention, less exposure of dust to the chickens.
I have no reason to believe so. They seem to have lost interest in the scratching thing already. I guess it was because it was new. There is still no dust, no matter how I try to raise some. I think this would be good for those who have asthma or allergies. Not to mention, less exposure of dust to the chickens.
very interested in how you like this stuff long term....the dust from the pine shavings I use is really bothering me...I have allergies/sinus problems.
Ok, today is day five. This is what it looks like right now and I have not cleaned it yet today.
I usually do that in the afternoons. Still looking good. Ok, I did wipe poop off the roost for the picture....

I'm glad you clarified that you wiped the perch before the picture. I was starting to feel guilty. I will subscribe to this post to see how it goes. I located a dealer 25 miles from me. They're closed today.
Just FYI, when I searched their site for local dealers it did not show my TSC. I went there for something else I saw that they carry Lucerne products. If others are having a difficult time finding it perhaps their TSC could order it for them.

They did carry this one:

Chris Cox Forage Blend is a balanced mix of Alfalfa and Timothy hay which has been short-chopped and dried at a high temperature to lock in the natural nutrition. This process also eliminates harmful mold spores that are detrimental to horses with respiratory problems. Ingredients:
Dehydrated chopped timothy hay, alfalfa hay,soybean oil, Natural and Artificial Flavors..

Since you recomended the soybean oil and the fact that it was dried at high temperature, do you think this could be an alternative?
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The only difference I can see is the oat is not in it. I'll bet it is very similar to what I am using in my experiment. I didn't know that TSC carried it. That's great!
I think that Lucern Farms has not been keeping up with their suppliers listings, because the place I found it was not listed there either.

If you are really curious about it, pick up a bag and give it a whirl. I think you'll like it! It is worth the money for the amount of time it lasts and the effort of cleaning it saves you. Are they asking 13.00 for a bag? Or is it more because you are much farther from Maine than I am. I found out that when I buy it in bulk, I can get a discount.

Put it in the coop a few inches deep and mix it up every few days. You will see how much less work it is than wood chips. Smells nicer too.....
That stuff looks like it could be a good choice for bedding. But, I think you will eventually see the dust come back. Most of the dust generated in a chicken coop comes from the birds themselves. It just comes from their feathers naturally, feather dander. I use pine shavings in my coop, I go in there every day. There is dust, but unless you go in there kicking and stirring it up, it's no problem. But when the time comes to clean it out, you better have a good dustmask/respirator on.

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