experiment with bedding

Because it does smell nice in there, it keeps me from thinking of cleaning the coop as a chore. You can take pride in the way it looks and smells in there. Don't know if that makes any sense
I don't worry when guests come by to see the chicken nuggets. I'll have to take a picture.
I know exactly what you mean! When you take a picture, I would love to see your chickies too!
I'm glad you are liking it
Not really dusty yet. Smells nice and is staying dry. You'd asked for pictures of my peeps earlier. Here are the peeps at 8 wks and wearing a size 11 spiral leg bands! They are in the middle of shedding the baby fluff.

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Can you tell me how many chicks you have and what size is your coop. Thanks for sharing
Not really dusty yet. Smells nice and is staying dry. You'd asked for pictures of my peeps earlier. Here are the peeps at 8 wks and wearing a size 11 spiral leg bands! They are in the middle of shedding the baby fluff.

Hi Deek,
Wow, your birds are very pretty. Mine seem to be shedding a lot of feathers too, but mostly in the run.
One draw back that I see is that the hay is shredded and it would be easier if it weren't. The longer, the easier it is to take a pitch fork and shake the droppings to the bottom so that the DE can do its thing. Just as an additional experiment, when it is time to change the bedding I am going to try straw or perhaps straw on top with this below and the DE at the bottom.
That just might work for you. You have a lot more poopers than I do. I found that all I have to do is just turn it over every few days and it works well because the straw dries the poops out. Another posibility is to just scoop the poops off the surface of the straw before turning it over. I tried that the other night and it seemed fairly easy to do with my little rake. I may start doing that to see if I can get the straw to last even longer. Anyway, it still looks good and smells good too. It's been over three weeks now. I am actually considering using this in my run when the regular straw gets used up, but that won't be for a while since I have a few bags on hand.
Hi Nancy ........ Today I was finally ready to try my bedding experiment and after opening the bag of Lucerne Gold and attempting to spread it around ..... I starting feeling like I made a mistake. This did not feel or look at all what yours did!! I think I bought the wrong stuff!! I asked the lady at Agway for Lucerne Farms Hi Fiber Gold ..... which is exactly what she gave me but this stuff is sticky? And packs down! Where did I go wrong? I went back to your first posting and opened the link that you provided and did notice that the color of the bag is different ........ here is what I got? Will this harm my girls?


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